Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'll go into the pic in a second. First what I need to say is....
WOW, Lost! REAL mature! Draw ONE picture and make 7 posts out of it! Boot me off the front page, will you? Well, I'll have my revenge. Oh, yes. My revenge...

Well, I don't really understand this picture. I mean, I feel like I know the girl a little, and have a possible story for her, but I don't understand what she's doing up at 2 in the morning. Sleepless nights are awful. Maybe she has some awful assignment to turn in, or a friend is sick. Maybe she's going blind and she knows it's only a matter of time. Maybe she lost a family member or hurt someone's feelings and regrets it. Maybe she's crying over a petty concern, or maybe it's important. That's the thing about me. Not only do I have to stress out over my own problems, I have the weight of an overactive imagination to tack on more issues. I stress about school, and then I also feel bad for the problems that I myself inflict on people that do not even exsist. I guess I'm just bizarre like that.



  1. You're not the only one. We're all in this together. :)

  2. I agree with Lost. And you also did a good job on making her look like she's crying.
