Sunday, November 18, 2012

6 Geeks Finished Version

Lost here--So, here they all are. From left to right it's Gregory, Hoffernan, James, Scarlett, Houston, and Ford. On the whole they're all sweet, sensitive, smart, clever boys that just want to learn stuff and soak it all in until their brains overload and their heads blow up. This is them after an Easter mass or summat. They're all from wealthy classy Roman Catholic families in England, and they're all best friends. I am just realizing now that I forgot to colour in their belts. My apologies. Take however distracting it is to you and multiply that x10, and that's how much it's torturing ME right now. But oh well. I mean, who DOESN'T own a white belt??? Come on!
Individual details for these guys in a mo.
~Lost out


  1. AWESOME!!
    Ah, don't mind the belts..... and, I dont have a white belt. Hee hee hee..... :D

    1. Thanks! lol, well everyone who COUNTS owns a white beltGOSH. ;)

  2. Oh my goodness you will be SO cute together!!! <3
