Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MY WOLFY!!!!!!

This is a request I did for a girl on a forum I'm on. Her username was Silverstorm, and these were some of her charries. I have to say, I'm pleased with the wolf. I'm never done a wolf before, so it came out reasonably well for a first timer. 

Above is the reference picture I used, so someone can tell me what I need to do differently. Also, the blue stuff on the wolf--I have no idea what those are, I just drew what I was asked to draw. So sue me.
I'm thinking about taking more requests, just cuz they're fun. Also it might get me thinking outside the box a little more--I had boatloads of joy with this pic, even though it's kinda rushed. (She was leaving the forum, so I had to hurry.)

Ha, Lost. Take that! I have the first post again! *Dances around in ecstasies* Lalalala I WIN. (I'm such a kind friend, aren't I?)


  1. And you said you couldn't draw animals??? Wut??? Girl, don't be so hard on yourself.

  2. Man, wolves rock! :D
