Sunday, December 2, 2012

Faith_Lonewolf's Request

So, I made a huge mistake. After I did that request for Silverstorm, a bunch of people asked if I was doing requests... And I said yes. So now I'm completely swamped. I HAD FIVE REQUESTS IN ONE DAY. What is UP with that? I'm never going to catch up!
Anyway, these are some of a different girl's charries. The red headed kid's name is Kibbie, the girl who's eyes you can't see's name is SJ, and the wolf is Arno.
Man, people like wolves. I'm gonna get really good at these at some point.
Anyhoo, I figure I don't have time to put a background on these people unless they speciphically ask for one, since I want to kind of get through the load. But anyway....

First Sunday of Advent! I suppose this means that I should start Christmas shopping, but I haven't been able to get my parents to take me anywhere and we all know I can't drive.
Legally, anyway. :P

Hope everyone's been doing well--The weather out here is super rainy, so I'm assuming it must be wicked cold/snowing on the east coast.


  1. It has snowed a couple times so far this winter, but not for a week or so.

    Really cool drawing! The wolves you're doing are awesome. :)
