Friday, December 14, 2012

Ero Lost

I'm sick like a dog right now, so this may be the last post I put on here for a little while. 

  Ero likes to listen. Most people love talking, about their lives, their hardships. She just prefers to listen. 
Ero has 'friends', but they're obnoxious and frustrating so she got a dog to spend time with instead. Ero's tough as nails, you can never tell when she's insulted. She likes to mind her own business, fight her own battles. She has a quirky sense of style and a cute snide sense of humor that occasionally peeks from behind the clouds, but overall she's just quiet and hard working. 

~Lost out

(I'm not sure what to put in her hand. At first I thought "A knife!" And then I thought "A flashlight!" And then "But why???")

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