Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Path

I had a dream last night that I was walking down a path like this one with an old friend... That I'd never met before. We were talking about somebody else, I can't remember who, then we got to this lamp post, he disappeared, and I woke up. *puts on spooky face* I believe it was a vision, because, after all, I am an artist... Perhaps this is a bad omen of something yet to come... *takes off spooky face* I used the same colored pencil to do the whole thing, and it's kinda' dull now, so I'll be off to sharpen it. It looks better in the flesh than it does in the scan, but alas, there is nothing I nor anyone can do. 
But I must be off. Pencil's waiting and whatnot.
~Lost out


  1. Hahah I love you Lost! I have to admit that is a creepy dream..
