Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas from FOUND.

This happens to me every single holiday. I'm like, "Oh! I should go wish all our followers a happy (insert holiday here.)" Then I sign on....
And Lost already did it. WHY?
So this time I am posting after her post to say the same thing that she just said. Merry Christmas, all!
Since I'm posting anyway, I'm going to just sum up my Christmas so far. In the small hours of the morn, I was singing my head off at midnight Mass in the choir. Gosh, it was HOT UP THERE. Then we came home and I got four hours of sleep before my lovely little brother crept into my room.
"Josie! It's Christmas! Wake up!" he says.
"Gaaaa-aah?" I reply.
We slithered downstairs, and after the reletives woke up, I had the pleasure of watching my littlest sister celebrate her first comprehensive Christmas by opening her stocking...
"MAKE UP!!!!!" she shouts.
It was a really lovely morning. Except for the fact that the manufacturers of my new Ugg boots thought that I had two right feet and shipped accordingly. What am I supposed to do with two right footed Uggs? I guess the 26th of December will involve heading out and returning them... (Which is cool with me, since I love shopping!

Before I bore you all to death, I'm going to sign off. So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your writing style so much. :) Wishes for peace, joy, and all things merry and bright!

