Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pencil People, #3

Well, she was fun to draw, even if her legs are slightly too long and thin to be realistic.

So, what've I been doing lately? Um... Drawing. And hanging out with my friend Betsy. A lot.
...And painting, and dreaming up ways to piece Sharpie's life back together. Honestly, I dug myself into a pit here. There's this person she absolutely hates, and I need to get her to like him again, but she's kind of passionate, and it's hard to change her mind about people. So I'm wondering if maybe I should have him help her out in some huge way, or catch her at a really emotional moment and apologize for being a total JERK to her. It's hard, organizing peoples' lives.


  1. LOVE the shoes, look sorta tango. :D

  2. ..and good luck dealing with your characters' emotions...that can get kinda heinous.

  3. LOVE it! The face looks really realistic.. awesome job! And I am fond of the boots too. :D Oh and by the way... HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hope you guys had an awesome eve. God Bless for 2013!! :D
