Wednesday, December 26, 2012


No, I won't go through them all individually again, but I just digitally enhanced all of their faces. 

It was the most tedious thing I've done since last summer, and I think I like it as a normal drawing better anyway, but I just can't squeeze enough posts out of this one. So here they are.

Oh, and I'm naming my tablet *ahem* *hesitates slightly* *ahem* ....
ARThur, to make everyone hate me so they'll all fund my move to England.
And that's pronounced ART-thur. Hehehe.

I'm going to caption all of my posts done from the computer as ARThur now, so you may all want to mentally prep yourselves. I am THAT determined to live in England.

~Lost out


  1. My bamboo could EAT your bamboo! FOALY FOREVER!

    1. Not if it eats itself first! ... Wait a sec...

  2. This was totally a good idea. I love the soft quality the new colors lend to the image.
