Friday, October 21, 2011

Computer Drawn

Hi Found here! Wow, ten days to halloween! Pretty exiting! Anyway, We have this computer paint thing, and so the first pic...  Um, well, We watch this show, Doctor Who, and it's a time traveling machine thingamabob going through the Time Vortex. Yeah. :D Pic number two is a girl who...  um...  I dunno, it's just a girl. Indeed. Pic number three is a girl sitting on a hill... It's actually kind of a creepy picture, once you think about it. Well, thats that. Oh, and please ignore Lost's Pumpkin post. I have absolutely NO intention of getting bit by an evil feind, therefore there is no need to ATTACK me, IS there, Lost? Ahem. Anyway, Lost is the evil one. 
By the way, I'm sorry we've been so bad about posting! It's been kind of busy around here, etc. :D So bbye, have a great week, etc etc. Seeya!



  1. *sigh* No you get bitten by Goulish Monster! Get it right!

  2. You drew the T.A.R.D.I.S really well! And I agree with Mary-Catherine. :)
