Thursday, October 20, 2011

Son of Zeus

So this guy`s name is Thane, his dad is Zeus and since he`s sitting here staring at me awkwardly I guess I`ll just let him introduce himself.....

..... THANK YOU. Right, so hi, my name`s Thane. If you ever go to Olympus and see the Throne room thing and just happen to notice that dorky looking chair over in the corner, yeah, that`s where I usually am. They`re not sure what to do with me because my dad is a god and my mom`s mom is a goddess and my mom`s dad was a half-blood so I`m practically a god but then again not quite. It`s kind of annoying. And before I leave, a hint of advice, if you`re a 7 year old kid and your dad comes home and says "Hey kiddo! Guess what????? I got you some THUNDER DOGS!!!!!", now matter how good he makes it sound, tell him you don`t want them. Really. Cus` otherwise he`ll probably chain them to your wrist and some-how 'accidentally' feed the key to one of them. ('Who knows which one????? They all look the same!') Trust me. I speak from experience. It`s like having a hundred ton yoyo to tug around all of the time. Plus Hephaestus just some-how "Can`t attempt to get them off!". Anyway, may your life be dogless and long.

~Lost out

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