Friday, October 21, 2011

Princess Clarissa

Though many do not know, all the princesses in fairytales are related to eachother. Cinderella is Snow White's Mum, Snow White is Sleeping Beauty's, etc. Think about it--Each of these girls had a really famous story: The glass slipper, the poison apple, the golden hair. For a little princess--that's a lot to live up to. Up to it?

Anyone wanna write a book for me?  :D



  1. Oh awesome idea! Maybe during future summers when science essays and history don't clog up life....

  2. That would actually be really fun! I could help Mary-Catherine. :)

  3. Oh, and by the way, I LOVE the way you did the background! And I'm guessing Clarissa is like the last princess to reign or something?
