Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gregory Ainsworth

First off is Greggs here. 

Gregory is something of an amazement. But more on that in a moment, if you please. He's particularly funny, and he's great with improv. Greg is sort of a jack of all trades, but really, REALLY excels in acting. It's incredible... He can perform you right out of existence. He's engaging, believable, handsome, has a strong, clear voice. He's (though he doesn't know it) basically a smack-down heart throb, especially when he's on the stage doing his thing. He's a history whiz, he could talk your ear off about just any battle or skirmish in any country. Greg keeps to himself as much as possible, isn't great  at socializing, like the rest of his group. The only place where he really feels at home is on the stage.
~Lost out

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