Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sharpie! (Yet again...)

Credit for the background idea goes to my brother.
Anyway, this is Allison Sharp, a character who's pretty much exactly like me, cuz all my characters end up that way. I start with a whole idea, but by three paragraphs in, she's yours truly. With different hair.  And face.
I draw Sharps a lot. I should probably start doing someone else...

I can't think. Did you know that turkey has a sedative in it? That's why everyone's so tired after eating Thanksgiving dinner. And when I'm tired I can't think. True story.

One more thing--our desktop picture is a shot of my baby brother kissing a statue of a marble bear right on the mouth. So funny. He was sitting next to it in the park and Mom was taking pictures of him--Hehe...

1 comment:

  1. *love* so much better than my idea! Perfect.

    Same here! Usually all of my fictional characters end up relating to my personality in one way or another, which, depending on how much, can be a good or bad thing.

    That sounds so darn cute! I hope to meet your baby brother someday.

