Sunday, November 18, 2012


Ford's small and slightly on the nerdier side, his passion is basically math, making him arm-in-arm with Houston. He's a borne mathematician--he can crunch numbers like the devil. A human calculator. He's awkward, EXTREMELY shy, but looks like a whole other person when he's not wearing his glasses. On the top of one side of his head you'll see his hair grows about 6 times as fast as the rest, --his parents tell him he stuck a fork into an outlet when he was 4 and something's been a bit off since.
Ford's a sweet little guy, and often needs protection from his burlier friends. 
Just don't let him near an outlet and he isn't any trouble. :-D
~Lost out

...AND, I would like to announce, I just committed some serious awesomeness in booting Found off the front page in one go. *hugs self* Of course, I'll pay for it in one way or another later on, but if you please I believe some congratulations are in order... "OH, yes, yes I know, please, no autographs... Oh if I must..."


1 comment:

  1. It's like, Syndrome from the Incredibles, but reincarnated. But not so evil.
