Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rapunzel and Peter Pan.

Okay, so, I know this is kind of odd, but I had gads of fun drawing it, so I'm justified.
This is Rapunzel, from Tangled, and Peter Pan, both Disney. It was kind of a cross between, "I'm not waiting for Flynn to come and get me out of here" and "Who cares about Wendy?" So, yeah, that's what this is.

Well, happy All Saints Day, everyone! And now it's November... Which means it's my month to wash dishes. Blech. I don't like cleaning up after dinner. But I'm rambling now!
Yesterday was gobs of fun! I'm not going to sicken you by telling you how much candy I got, but I will tell you that I just love trick or treating with friends and staying up late on too much sugar!

I've pretty much given up on my To-Draw list, because whenever I sit down with the express intention of drawing a certain thing, it turns out to be something else. This here picture was first going to be Me meeting Peter Pan, and then it was Wendy's great-great-great-something granddaughter. Then it was Rapunzel. I'm telling you, these pictures have minds of their own. There's no stopping them. But as I was saying, I'm not going to promise any pictures, but I do want to draw one of some Avengers, and maybe some Jane Austen ones. Ohh... Me meeting Mr. Darcy. Sounds fun. I'll think about that one.
