Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rarity and Spiderman...

Okay, well, this was my first time really using SketchbookExpress, so it's not really very good. I think I may have gone a tad overboard on Spraypaint and mascara, but HEY! It's FAN ART! I'm totally allowed to do it however I want!
This is actually a screenshot of my actual drawing, since the file was too big to be uploaded to the blog in a reasonable amount of time.
If anybody feels awesome, a critique would be wonderful. This isn't drawn in standard MLP style, obviously, but I would love feedback as to what I should change, whatever.

Strange... I think I'm losing my touch. I don't think I have anything new to report. Lemme think... Ladidadida... Oh! I saw The Amazing Spiderman last night! My review?
I won't say too much, in case y'all haven't seen it, but here we go.
Peter Parker was awkward. REALLY awkward. So awkward, that I cringed multiple times while watching the movie. Who knew anyone could be that bad at talking to girls? WHich brings me to my next comment: There was a lot of kissing. Like, a lot. It was a little overboard. A lot overboard. Another thing--Okay, I can't say too much for fear of spoilers, but WHAT THE HECK WAS HE THINKING IN THE END? Talk about LYING MUCH? What a horrible ending! I mean, if I were Gwen, I would have turned around and punched him in the FACE. I thought super heroes were supposed to honor their promises! Isn't that why so many of them get trapped by the villains? But man, I was mad.
Anyway. Overall, it was a good movie, despite its lame ending and exessive awkward moments, I liked it. I'm just glad that Peter isn't an Avenger, because he doesn't deserve the title.
My, this post was longer than I intended...


  1. Oh Rarity's my favorite. <3

    I've been waiting for her portrait and am not at all disappointed.

    In favor of the spray praint - adds depth and lusciousness.

    C'mon, you can NEVER have too much mascara!

    I guess my only criticism would be to make the hooves bigger, but like you said, it's fan art and doesn't have to be in standard MLP style. Either way she's dainty and gorgeous and you're talented.

    Looking forward to more...I love reading your posts about movie reviews and story ideas and life in general...they add some smiles to my day. :)

    (Hehe, I was anticipating the huge length of this comment either.)

    Peace out.


  2. She looks awesome! My only critique would be to make her hair a bit less poofy maybe?

  3. Oops. I meant MANE, of course. :)
