Saturday, November 24, 2012


Here's an account of 'Cinderella' from the perspective of one of her (former) miscreant friends:

Few people know this besides myself, but before Cinderella 'grew up' and all, she was much easier to put up with. She didn't care what the state of her hair was, I was her only friend, and she never complained. Yes, okay, her life was tough back then, being a slave girl and all, but why do YOU think the prince liked her so much? She was sweet, humble, gentle, imaginative, quirky. She was DIFFERENT from all of the snobby royal folk he was used to. But then this big fat stupid fairy-godmother-in-law turned her into a total diva, and now she's just an insufferable little cockroach.
Oh yes, me and Cinders go WAAAY back. 
But nevermind that. I don't see her anymore, now that she's all 'MARRIED', but I just thought Cinderella deserved to be known to the world as she was in her prime:
a lovely, friendless slave.

~Lost out


  1. Oh how tragic! Please accept my most sincere condolences.

  2. What a sad story, but you did a great job on drawing her :)
