Saturday, October 27, 2012


So this isn't anything amazing, just this little thought I had after thinking in great length about how people ate snails. I don't know exactly who the red-headed girl is but I think I'm going to use her for a story or something. She seems kind of nice. Oh, and that's her friend, turning green about the mouth.

Okay, so, see those white dots in their hair? Please tell me what you think of those. It's yet another way of doing reflections/shinyness in hair, and I'm trying to decide wether I like it or not. I think it's definitely more of a cartoony look.

Since I had no idea what cooked snails looked like, (My parents have this thing where google images is restricted--it makes drawing references almost impossible to find. Honestly, when I was drawing Loki, I had to search about everywhere for a picture--no easy way of googling for me, no sirree.) Anyway, I had to imagine it, and if they shrivel up and turn pink when cooked, well, I honestly don't care.



  1. Ach, I don't like the idea of eating snails.... I mean, just to be slimy and gushy and crunchy all at the same time? Yeah, no thanks.

    I like the blonde's expression, and the redheads raised eye brow like "And you didn't tell me this before because......?" Hilarious!

    1. I know. So gross, right? Sluggy thingies that they are!

      Yeah, expressions are always hysterical to draw. Like, "Wait... WHAT is this?"
