Sunday, October 21, 2012

Freaky mice

Still Lost. Sorry to disappoint.
I would've done the ideal 'three blind mice', but the third one met a sad fate before I could capture its' likeness properly. *sigh* I guess that's life. 
Anyone here read all 50,000 million Redwall books? If you have, congratulations. I haven't. I was about to read the last one but then I found out that Brian Jaques had passed away I got too sad to read it. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I used to constantly draw personified animals, (like Redwall characters) and drawing these mice earlier reminded me of them so I flipped through my old notebooks a bit. *sigh* 

..But that was back when I read a lot. 
~Lost out


  1. Oh, I remember back when you read a lot! That was somewhere between science fiction shows and ballet almost everyday, wasn't it?

    Haha--Cute mice, Lost, and welcome back!

  2. Hehe, yep, somewhere around there.

    Thanks! lol, I realized I didn't put whiskers on the second one. Maybe they got singed off...

  3. Oh, for the love of those good old days full of cute woodland animals...miss you Lost. Someday I will read the last Redwall book, and think of you, and cry.

    1. Aw, love youuuuu!!! <333 Miss you too!!! :'-(

  4. My dear girl if you would like to read more, you can always stop ballet. I would have a ton of money to put towards books instead of shoes. Just say the word :) mom
