Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm So Evil.

Is it cheating to look at references when your drawing someone in profile view? Cuz if it is, I'm a very bad girl. I just can't DO PROFILES without help! I mean, sure, learn to draw MLPs in two weeks? No biggie! Draw someone in profile? Not on your life!
I mean, I've been doing Manga since like MARCH, and I still need a ref. This is embarrassing.
Have you noticed that I complain a lot?
ANyhoo, I've been very remiss about making up stories about my drawings. I think it's because when I'm listening to audiobooks as I draw, I am hearing someone else talk, but when I'm listening to music, I have leisure to pry into my characters' lives.

So Halloween is coming up! 10 days left! I'm so excited about my costume, because... Well, I guess I'm still a little kid, because I treasure the moments of dressing up like a princess. I think pouffy dresses are awesome, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
