Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sneak preview

Or as sneaky as the internet can get... =P
This is from the next page of my comic book that I'm making. His background story (seeing as I won't be explaining this in the comic) is that he thinks that his wife and teenaged son were killed (which they weren't) And so he's kind of crazy and he works for these horrible people that are paying him to make all of these horrible weapons. (Because he's also a scientist genius)
I apologize for the Tintin look this gives. I promise I didn't copy. (ahem) Unlike SOME people... ;-)

Ugh, I still can't draw a suit and make it look right. 
~Lost out


  1. He looks like one of those characters who you trust really well up until they try to turn you into a mutant "FOR THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE!!!!" In other words, creepy, yet cool!

  2. Can't wait to learn more about this dude.
