Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lee and Aiden

These are my new favorite boys!
Okay, so the blonde guy is Lee and the brown haired one is Aiden. They're brothers who I suppose live somewhere that snows, because out the window you'll see it's coming down hard. I don't know what they're looking up in the paper, but I do know that I had a rotten time drawing that background. I honestly couldn't get the colors right. I tried to make it look like night time, but I don't know how well it  came out.

I have this horrid crick in my neck that I want to complain about--I think I slept on it wrong, because every time I turn my head to the right I feel this nasty evil spasm in my neck. It hurts. Really badly. Anyway, I just wanted to whine about it to someone, so there you go.

Ooh, so I just finished watching Cranford. *Swoons* SUCH a great miniseries. It had such a lovely ending--SOOOOO sweet. I just love happy endings.



  1. Awesome!

    I think that if you made the curtains a shade or two darker if would make it to the nighttime look. Everything else it great!!!

  2. Love the silhouette (one of my current obessions).

    Right? Sophy and the doctor? *cutest couple ever*

    1. I know, isn't it such a great show? Have you watched Return to Cranford?
