Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Candy Corn (with a unicorn horn)

*Nostalgia attack*
Mom said we might go to Medieval Times tonight!
Has anyone else ever been there? I went when I was a little kid, twice I think. Anyway, you go, and it's this big arena-type thing, and you watch jousts and stuff. Of course it's all staged, but I didn't know that when I was little and therefore believed that I was watching the real thing. It was always fun to pretend I was a princess...
But that's all I remember as a five year old, so it may or may not be a lot different now.

It looks like rain! Joy! I love rain. It's supposed to come down tomorrow, so that's nice. Rain is inspiring. Very inspiring.

Oh, wait. I just talked for like five minutes without saying anything about my picture.
I'm excited for Halloween! I think it'll be my last trick or treating year. *Sigh* But anyway, this is Candy Corn, who I made up. Of course, I used a how to draw, but changed the hair and eyes, etc.
I actually drew her in my scetchbook at choir practice a while back. Except then I didn't put a horn on...

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