Thursday, October 11, 2012


I found out why Lost isn't posting!
She was abducted by evil elves, bent on using her for the victim of a cruel and horrifying ritual where they sacrifice a human to the great serpent of water, who rises out of the sea once a year to demand tribute, lest it deal carnage to the earth. Fortunately I was able to save her, but she's now in intensive care and is frequenting a therapist.
No, that's not true.
She was visited by Doctor Who and became his newest time-travelling companion. She's currently off touring the world as it will be in 5000 A.D.
No, that's not right either.
The truth is, she became the next oracle at Camp Half-Blood, and is now is New York, delivering prophecies to the camp.
But enough about Lost, I need to chat about my picture now.

This is Quill, my newest MLP. She's a story-telling author person pony.
Eventually I'll start putting backgrounds on these gals, but I haven't gotten around to it, as I'm still learning how to do the ponies themselves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So cute! I know I ALWAYS say that I love you drawings' hair, but I'm just stating the truth! Let me put it this way: if I had a tail I'd want that one :D

  3. ditto! and the braid. ridiculously adorable.
