Monday, September 24, 2012

The Blush of Evil

I wasn't going to post this, actually, but realized that if I did, I'd have booted all of Lost's pictures off the front page (at least, on MY computer), and that was too great an opportunity to miss.
I know, I know, I'm evil.

So, this picture wasn't manga-graphically correct, but I wanted to try out a way of doing blush that I'd not tried before, and who cares if the girl's proportions aren't right or only her skin is colored in?
So, recap: Blush with little white reflections on it gives a very bubbly appearance, Lost is as of the moment not on page one, (hehe... Sorry, Lost.), and I'm still evil.

P.S. Ever heard of Wives and Daughters? If you read it, it's a bit slow, but if you get it on audio, it's great. Or watch the BBC miniseries--AAAH! SO AMAZING. Anyway, I bring it up because I've been listening to it as I draw.


  1. Haha! Naughty, naughty Found. "The Blush of Evil" looks awesome!

    Wow, you and Lost really love Wives and Daughters, don't you? I think we can watch that instantly on Netflix actually, so I might want to check it out soon :)

  2. I don't really love it. It's mostly Found's obsession.

  3. SO need to get into that series...was this evil blusher perhaps Wives and Daughters inspired?
