Monday, September 24, 2012

Krystal Ray

Heya peeps!

Ugh. Tuesday tomorrow. I hate Tuesdays. Well... I LIKE them, I guess, as a DAY. But it's SUCH A BUSY day. I have so much to do on Tuesdays! Not that I don't like Latin class--I LOVE my latin class. Same with my history class. But there's just no free time on Tuesdays.
And Geology. There's always a geology paper on Tuesday. *Sigh*

But this is a drawing blog, not a rant-about-Tuesday blog, so therefore I'm going to talk about my picture.
This girl here is Krystal Ray.
Ooh--(and this just dawned upon me right now, because I'm so incredibly brilliant) (Harhar), She could be BETSY RAY'S DESCENDANT!
I know, I know.
...But you might not. If you haven't read the Betsy-Tacy books, check them out of your local library RIGHT NOW. I mean, sure, the start with a five year old Betsy, but the ones with her going through highschool were fantasmic. I actually didn't read the last two, though... My pal said they were depressingly anticlimactic. I might read them anyway, though, just because.
(This, strangely enough, brought my train of thought to the Halloween station.)
What are you all being? I think I'm being a princess (I know, points for originality.) But I think this'll be my last trick or treating year, and I want so badly to wear that huge princess dress I got at Goodwill... It's too great of an opportunity to turn down.
If you read all taht, you have hereby earned the award, "Found's Stamp of Approval."
Aka, thank you.


  1. I lover 'er!! She's so cute!

    I think I'm going to be Marada (sp?) from Brave.

  2. *gladly dons Found's Stamp of Approval* I LOVE the Betsy-Tacy books! They're so sweet! We own some actually. I'm pretty sure. I don't think I've read them all though.

    I don't know yet what I'm gonna be for Halloween.. I really want to be something unique though. Oh, and PS, you done an awesome job on Krystal! :D

  3. Sweet sister Emily, you may not remember, but I lovingly read you Betsy-Tacy once upon a time...

    I hear so can sympathize with those dreaded geology papers! MODG science, right? Absolute and utter torture.

    This old fuddy-duddy of a wimp is going to be herself for Halloween.

    Love Krystal's hair. So luscious.
