Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rosalyn Meyers

Lost here.

I'll get back to my comicking soon, but it the meantime I'm finishing up pics I started like, MONTHS ago. 

Here's a pic of one my my favorite characters from this show I'm watching called Spooks. She's this really sarcastic kind of nasty woman but she's great, especially when she wears outfits like this one. 
Her name's Rosalyn Meyers, but everybody calls her Ros. 
Don't worry, she isn't armed, though she looks it. 

I used MY STYLE STUDIO for this one, do you remember that thing?

~Lost out


  1. Just watched the episode where she dies. *SOBS UNCONTROLLABLY* Why did she just have to go DO THAT??? IT'S NOT FAIR!!! SHE MAKES ME *SICK!!!* OOH THE AGONY!!!

  2. The good women always die young...

  3. I know right! Haha well I guess she wasn't actually THAT young, the actress had a ton of plastic surgery. =P I did her many favors in this drawing lol.

  4. She looks intimidating. I wouldn't cross her D:
