Thursday, September 6, 2012

Isn't my Friend nice?

Heya, buddies!
Well, we're currently on a one-week vacation with school, and (GO FIGURE) I got sick during it. I haven't been drawing all that much, but I just did this.
Explanation: I'm sure at least some of you know that I'm going to be Queen Gertrude in Hamlet. Anyone? Well, it's true. And, as much as I love dressing up, it dawned on me: I look like an idiot in my costume. It's a gorgeous dress, beautiful, but I look so lame in it. SIGH. Oh, yeah. That's it, right there, in the picture. That's me, wearing it.
As you know, I got glasses, and the reason they aren't in this picture is simply because I have not yet learned to draw them well. It's the sad truth.
Anyway, the sympathetic, caring girl next to me is my Imaginary Friend, Cat,  who I've already told you about. I'm not going to waste time by explaining how I DO know she's a figment of my imagination.
So ha.
Wish me luck in my role! I'm not very good at playing mentally-disturbed-mothers-of-lunatics, so we'll see how I do.
Ta-ta for now!


  1. I'm sure you'll be adorable. Well, as adorable as a creepy/villain-not-villain/murder's mother can be ;)

  2. Aw, you'll be fantastic, Found! You don't need luck, but good luck anyway ;)
