Sunday, September 23, 2012

Loki, Awesomest Villain Ever

Loki! No! TURN AWAY FROM THE DARK SIDE! You're too awesome to be evil! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Well, if y'all have seen the Avengers or Thor, then you know who this is. I always liked Loki, though he didn't take my advice and tried to take over the earth. "Loki," I said, "That's a stupid idea and it'll never work. Countless people have tried it before, and the truth is, it's just not possible."
But was my sound advice taken? NO! He was taken back in shame to Asgard, where I have no idea what happened to him. Poor guy. But he's probably going to escape in time for Thor 2, I imagine. Or maybe there'll be a new villain.

I hope everyone likes him! (*Sob*--LOKI!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!?)


  1. Aw, that's too bad! He does look awesome, but I haven't seen those movies so yeah.

  2. At least his accent's pretty boss.
