Monday, September 10, 2012


We did it! My role as Queen Gertrude is officially ended.
Yes, that's me, and no, that is NOT what I usually look like AT ALL. I had a mountain of make-up and a pack of bobby-pins in!
Okay, so, yeah, this IS a drawing blog, and these aren't drawings, but I did want y'all to see them, (Mom said as long as I didn't share my location, phone number, etc. I could show these pictures!) and I wanted to show you how MY picture of my dress is very similar to the actual thing.
Congratulations to any of the other actors in Hamlet who read this blog--you guys were awesome!
(Guess what? I made some people CRY! ME! As Queen Gertrude! I'm so proud of myself! XP)

On a more related note, school is really swamping me, but I'm still managing to get in a little bit of drawing. I'm working on this cute little one of this Chibi guy and gal in a stable. Very sweet. Might not be done for a while, though.

I just wanna say, thank you all SOOOO much for reading this blog. I really love sharing my stuff with people, and I know Lost does too. (You DO, don't you, Lost? XD)

~Found (Formerly Queen Gertrude)


  1. You look so beautiful Josie! Congratulations, I was so sad not to be able to go last night. Did anyone videotape you?

    Lots of love to you, Mother of Lost.

  2. Congratulations! You look great! I wish i could have seen you in it.
