Saturday, September 8, 2012

Paris... No, not the place. The girl.

Heya, everyone!
So, the BIG NIGHT approaches, I get nervous,  I spend a lot of time practicing my lines, I have a 4 hour practice later tonight, and I use my morning listening to a lecture on Aztecs and Incas and attempting to catch up on my Latin homework.
Yup. Gotta love those Saturdays, yes sirree.
Hamlet performance tomorrow! (I'm freaking out again.)
So, this Chibi here is named Paris, and she attends Miss Madeline's School for Girls, a delightful institution for girls 13 to 17. She lives in the Spring Dorm, (The four dorms are named for the seasons) which is kind of light color/white themed. Lots of faded out colors and pastels. I might be drawing people from all four dorms, or not. (Miss Maddie's is my new favorite location.)
Don't bother looking it up. *SIGH* It doesn't appear to exsist...


  1. She looks so cozy :D I like the painting in the background and her headband is cute ;)

  2. What a cool idea! The loveliest places never seem to really exist, do they? If only they could break beyond the confines of our mentality...
