Thursday, September 6, 2012

More setting suns...

Whew--finished another one! I'm also halfway through my third drawing today. (I'm trying to catch up on my week's absence.)
So, this was a really fun drawing--I drew the sunset on one sheet, and then I opened a new "page" and drew the girl. Then I copied and pasted the girl from one picture to the other. Then I added more shading to the sun and tinted the whole picture pinkish-red to complete the effect. I like how it came out, actually--Kind of has this magical, haunting image. Agree?
You may have noticed, I don't really do action filled pictures. I kinda want to learn how to make violent movement realistic. For now I content myself with currently unexplained sorrow. Done right, it has much the same outcome as mid-punch or flying kick shots. Agreed?

 I'm coming up with a background story for this girl... Haven't gotten much yet.

PS. What is it about sunsets that captivate people so much? I don't know why, but they awe me every time I see a good one.


  1. I think it's just the beautiful colors :) I love sunsets too, and you did a wonderful job making one.

  2. same here! they're like windows to an unknown world...
