Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Little Kiddo.


Loki.... Being Hugged by Yours Truly


And this was my reaction: "LOKI! YOU ARE NOW 20% COOLER!"

Yeah. I never got why I love villains so much. I mean, they're EVIL, right? But I love Loki, I love the evil version of Artemis Fowl, (The nice version of him and I didn't get along so well towards the end.) I... Wait... Which other antagonists did I like? Let's see... Oh, Luke, from PJO... And I liked... Oh, I liked Draco Malfoy in the first few books. Lets see... Hehe, Cato, from the Hunger Games, was awesome in a disturbed, creepy, sick way. And I'm brain dead, so I can't think of any others.

Guess what TOMORROW IS?
I doubt I'll get much drawing done tomorrow, but if I do I'll wish you a Merry Christmas Happy Halloween!


P.S. I don't know if y'all will remember, but a while ago I mentioned getting a cute camo jacket from Goodwill. Well, that's it in the picture, along with my new top I got from the Converse Outlet. *Loves clothes.*
P.S.S. I meant to leave our eyes white. It looked cuter than color.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


So this isn't anything amazing, just this little thought I had after thinking in great length about how people ate snails. I don't know exactly who the red-headed girl is but I think I'm going to use her for a story or something. She seems kind of nice. Oh, and that's her friend, turning green about the mouth.

Okay, so, see those white dots in their hair? Please tell me what you think of those. It's yet another way of doing reflections/shinyness in hair, and I'm trying to decide wether I like it or not. I think it's definitely more of a cartoony look.

Since I had no idea what cooked snails looked like, (My parents have this thing where google images is restricted--it makes drawing references almost impossible to find. Honestly, when I was drawing Loki, I had to search about everywhere for a picture--no easy way of googling for me, no sirree.) Anyway, I had to imagine it, and if they shrivel up and turn pink when cooked, well, I honestly don't care.


Lee and Aiden

These are my new favorite boys!
Okay, so the blonde guy is Lee and the brown haired one is Aiden. They're brothers who I suppose live somewhere that snows, because out the window you'll see it's coming down hard. I don't know what they're looking up in the paper, but I do know that I had a rotten time drawing that background. I honestly couldn't get the colors right. I tried to make it look like night time, but I don't know how well it  came out.

I have this horrid crick in my neck that I want to complain about--I think I slept on it wrong, because every time I turn my head to the right I feel this nasty evil spasm in my neck. It hurts. Really badly. Anyway, I just wanted to whine about it to someone, so there you go.

Ooh, so I just finished watching Cranford. *Swoons* SUCH a great miniseries. It had such a lovely ending--SOOOOO sweet. I just love happy endings.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Freaky mice

Still Lost. Sorry to disappoint.
I would've done the ideal 'three blind mice', but the third one met a sad fate before I could capture its' likeness properly. *sigh* I guess that's life. 
Anyone here read all 50,000 million Redwall books? If you have, congratulations. I haven't. I was about to read the last one but then I found out that Brian Jaques had passed away I got too sad to read it. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I used to constantly draw personified animals, (like Redwall characters) and drawing these mice earlier reminded me of them so I flipped through my old notebooks a bit. *sigh* 

..But that was back when I read a lot. 
~Lost out

Sneak preview

Or as sneaky as the internet can get... =P
This is from the next page of my comic book that I'm making. His background story (seeing as I won't be explaining this in the comic) is that he thinks that his wife and teenaged son were killed (which they weren't) And so he's kind of crazy and he works for these horrible people that are paying him to make all of these horrible weapons. (Because he's also a scientist genius)
I apologize for the Tintin look this gives. I promise I didn't copy. (ahem) Unlike SOME people... ;-)

Ugh, I still can't draw a suit and make it look right. 
~Lost out

I'm So Evil.

Is it cheating to look at references when your drawing someone in profile view? Cuz if it is, I'm a very bad girl. I just can't DO PROFILES without help! I mean, sure, learn to draw MLPs in two weeks? No biggie! Draw someone in profile? Not on your life!
I mean, I've been doing Manga since like MARCH, and I still need a ref. This is embarrassing.
Have you noticed that I complain a lot?
ANyhoo, I've been very remiss about making up stories about my drawings. I think it's because when I'm listening to audiobooks as I draw, I am hearing someone else talk, but when I'm listening to music, I have leisure to pry into my characters' lives.

So Halloween is coming up! 10 days left! I'm so excited about my costume, because... Well, I guess I'm still a little kid, because I treasure the moments of dressing up like a princess. I think pouffy dresses are awesome, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


They look so much alike I think that they might be siblings...

Okay, so I know it looks like they're both girls, but the second is actually a guy with longish hair. I had to do it that way because I wanted to see how the style worked where you don't draw the eyes but do shading under the hair.
As you can see, it looks a little weird when I do it, but when I was on my forum the other day, there was this art topic where this one girl drew the same type of thing yet managed to do it perfectly. I'd post her picture but I don't know if that's even legal. Suffice to say she was an amazing artist.

I haven't drawn much on the computer lately. Well--I did, but not stuff to post. I made a map of this school I created, and I'm working on this tiny thing of a ship (in a storm) that has no similarity to an actual boat. I was never gifted with drawing things that look real. That's one of the reasons I do manga--I simply can't do anything else.
I have a very long list of things to draw and since this is a grey Sunday afternoon and my dear brothers are off shooting their friends with airsoft guns, maybe I'll be able to get some computer drawing done! I still haven't given up on my Phineas and Ferb chibis, so hopefully I will start them. Or I'll spend the day watching BBC miniseries. One of the two.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Actual paper + Pencil art...

Back to the drawing board for me!
No, really. I recently got some new drawing books and now that I've more or less dipped my brush into MLP drawing, I thought I'd pause that temporarily and try a few different ways of doin stuff with my new books. (Shoujo Fashion Manga Art School, by Irene Flores, books one and two.)
Anyway, she has this cute way of doing eyes which I... hem... TRIED.... to replicate. The reason it looks so bizarre is because each of these pics are only like 2 inches tall in real life, and so I couldn't get too much detail into them. Anyway, that's that.

PS. Panda. OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM. I want a panda. If you're trying to find a Christmas present for me, Panda. Please. Not a Red Panda. Or Panda Express, (Though I do enjoy Chinese food,) I lurves PANDA.
(I have now written Panda so many times it looks totally bizarre.)
(Don't break the law and steal a panda for me; I don't want one that badly.)
(But thanks for thinking of it.)

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Saltwater Taffy. Like a Boss.

Upcoming ponies are Candy Floss, Dark Mark, and Candy Cane (At Christmas). Oh yeah.

So, the reason she looks so twerped is because she's my first attempt at a kid. So I guess she'd be somewhere from... 6-10? Huh.
Oh, and she doesn't have a cutie mark yet because apparently you only get them once you've discovered your talent/profession, and ponies don't usually get them right off. Until you have one, apparently you are called a "Blank Flank." HAH.

But anyhoo, isn't her hair taffy-ish? I like how it came out and am now craving something sweet and chewy.


I found out why Lost isn't posting!
She was abducted by evil elves, bent on using her for the victim of a cruel and horrifying ritual where they sacrifice a human to the great serpent of water, who rises out of the sea once a year to demand tribute, lest it deal carnage to the earth. Fortunately I was able to save her, but she's now in intensive care and is frequenting a therapist.
No, that's not true.
She was visited by Doctor Who and became his newest time-travelling companion. She's currently off touring the world as it will be in 5000 A.D.
No, that's not right either.
The truth is, she became the next oracle at Camp Half-Blood, and is now is New York, delivering prophecies to the camp.
But enough about Lost, I need to chat about my picture now.

This is Quill, my newest MLP. She's a story-telling author person pony.
Eventually I'll start putting backgrounds on these gals, but I haven't gotten around to it, as I'm still learning how to do the ponies themselves.

Will Pokepike

The reason that this pony looks so bizarre is because he's a boy and this is how boys are done. So everyone just cool your tongues awhile and listen to the MASTER.

The name. Please tell me you get the name. Because I spent about 15 minutes in my thesaurus trying to find synonyms for "Shake" and "spear," and I had to explain it to my brother and Mom. And if no one gets it... WHAT'S THE USE?

Anyhow, he's my version of William Shakespeare as an MLP.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Candy Corn (with a unicorn horn)

*Nostalgia attack*
Mom said we might go to Medieval Times tonight!
Has anyone else ever been there? I went when I was a little kid, twice I think. Anyway, you go, and it's this big arena-type thing, and you watch jousts and stuff. Of course it's all staged, but I didn't know that when I was little and therefore believed that I was watching the real thing. It was always fun to pretend I was a princess...
But that's all I remember as a five year old, so it may or may not be a lot different now.

It looks like rain! Joy! I love rain. It's supposed to come down tomorrow, so that's nice. Rain is inspiring. Very inspiring.

Oh, wait. I just talked for like five minutes without saying anything about my picture.
I'm excited for Halloween! I think it'll be my last trick or treating year. *Sigh* But anyway, this is Candy Corn, who I made up. Of course, I used a how to draw, but changed the hair and eyes, etc.
I actually drew her in my scetchbook at choir practice a while back. Except then I didn't put a horn on...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rarity, Monologuing, and a Historical Fiction Assignment

That's Rarity.

Taylor Swift's newest album, Red, is coming out on the 22nd! EEEEEK! And some of the songs from said album are already released! (DOUBLE EEEEEEK!) So exciting. Sorry.
Okay, There's my news update.... What's next? Oh, right, the rant.
I just finished reading Mark of Athena (Rick Riordan) and GUESS WHAT? Instead of making the series a TRILOGY, like he SAID he was gonna make it, Riordan is writing it as a five book series! I love reading his stories, so that's all very well, but this means I can't find out what happens until 2014!!!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! He totally pulled a Christopher Poalini on us right there! THE NERVE!
Okay, rant = checked off... next is... Right, did I brag about this yet?
Another week of science papers, still all As! My Teacher Assistant is so great. I'm so happy, cuz I hate science, but at least I'll get a good grade at the end of the year, if all goes well.

Ooh, speaking of school, I did this history assignment where I got to write historical fiction! I'll post the story at the bottom of my post, don't feel obliged to read it or anything. It's a letter from this gal named Catherine Lambert to her sister Aimee. Catherine lives in Ville-Marie, which is what Montreal was called in the colonial time period.

School talk is finished... Funny story next.

Well, I don't have many funny stories to share right now, but I have some random things I'll share with you: My favorite pair of jeans are ripping in the knees. My friend missed Latin class this morning and still hasn't replied to my inquiries of WHY. (Seriously, WHY? Did you forget, or sleep in?) I just got a really cute camo jacket at Goodwill. I'm suffering from lack of sleep. And my brother has become a DocLockian and is in the deathgrip of watching too many television shows.

Well, I think that's it. Oh, one more thing. New favorite song is Begin Again by Taylor Swift.
~Found is out.

(Below is my letter)

The following letter is a translated version of the original, sent from Catherine Lambert to her sister, Aimee Vassal. The former begs forgiveness from her sister, who was opposed from the start to the idea of Catherine’s voyage to Ville-Marie.
Dearest sister,
I fully understand that you were deeply aggrieved with me when I left France seven years ago. But can we not let the past be past? You must understand—I had no choice but to come here to Ville-Marie. And it really is not as bad as you believe it to be here—the settlers are friendly enough, and Pierre is truly amazing.
But I forget myself—I have not written since I left, and I failed to remember that you are not aware of all that has happened since I left for Ville-Marie in 1653. Dear Aimee, allow me to explain.
The voyage here was, I admit, fully as awful as you warned me it would be. I still shudder as I remember the cold, and the dreadful rocking of the ship. I could hardly sleep the whole voyage, so awful was the motion. I felt ill the entire way—it was windy and salty on the deck, and cramped and foul smelling below. I was glad indeed when we finally caught sight of land. How happy I was to be on firm, unmoving ground again!
When we reached Ville-Marie…and now I must re-open the sores I left you with. They called us “King’s girls,” you know, women sent by the king to marry the settlers and expand the colonies. And Aimee, you know I never would have left, but for Mama and Papa! How could I ask them to support me, as they had no money for my dowry? I couldn’t stay in France, and this seemed to me to be my only option. But as I began: when we arrived at Ville-Marie, we… Well, in fact, it was incredibly mortifying. We women met with several unmarried Frenchmen, and we introduced ourselves, I suppose. After asking many questions, we married the men. Oh, Aimee! When I look back on that day… You remember, when we were children, and your friend Isabelle was complaining to us about her eldest sister, Marguerite, who married for money? Isabelle was incredibly put out with her sister. “Imagine,” she had said, “the worldliness of it!” But dear Aimee, I feel like what I did could not have been much less worldly than Marguerite’s match. How Isabelle would have scorned me!
But I digress. I married a man by the name of Pierre Lambert. Oh, I was—and am—so lucky, to be married to Pierre. I fear it is rather unladylike of me to say so. It might be uncouth to say I love him, but how can I say otherwise? The Lord has blessed me, sister. And how fortunate! When I think of how unhappy I could have been, had I married a man of doubtful character or uncertain principle! But Pierre is as honest and goodhearted as our own Papa!
Well, after we were married, he took me back to his house. The government, who paid for us women, the “King’s girls,” to be sent out here, was so good as to provide me with a dowry of sorts.
I was so lonesome that first night, Aimee. I missed you all terribly, without my family and friends about me, married to a man of whom I knew nothing!
But that was then, dear Aimee, and this is now. And now, though you did not know this, you are the aunt of three little children. Yes! I am the proud mother of Pierre, Aimee, and Jean. I know it is wrong to sing praises of one’s children, but I truly do think that mine are as wonderful a family as ever there was.
Aimee, I am so happy here, despite being without you and my dear parents. It is a difficult life, but love and family makes it so much easier. Please forgive me for disappointing you, and accept my olive branch. I do miss you all terribly! Please write, Aimee! Until you do, I remain as always,
                                                                                    Your loving sister,
                                                                        Catherine Marie Vassal Lambert

Monday, October 8, 2012

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle. Oh yeah. You betcha.

Sorry I've been so neglegent of y'all--I've been completely swamped. School, activities, all that stuff. I haven't been on the computer that much, etc. Make up your own excuses for me; it ammounts to the same thing.
I'm planning a bunch of drawings, but as you know, I'm a changeable, procrastinating person who hardly ever completes my promises. Suffice to say that eventually I will draw all the pictures I have laid out in my head. Someday...
Chaos is reining in the other room, so I'm gonna go contain it... If I can.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pinky Pie

Poor pony. Her name is Pinky Pie.


You bet I haven't given up!

Yup. Still drawing.

This is Rainbowdash. My little sister wanted me to do her next, so here she is. I think this is her favorite character, but it's hard to tell with 3 year olds.

(Not that anyone would care)
I think I'm getting the structure of their bodies down a little better. It's hard to tell yet, since all I've done so far is the profile view, but it's coming along. ^__^ My mom actually asked me if I cut-and-pasted it from my instructions I'm using. As if I'd do that! Hehe!

If you didn't snort or raise an eyebrow when I told of my new hobby, I salute you. If you did, *cough*Lost*cough*, well, all I can say is that I reserve my right to draw whatever style I want. And if it happens to be MLP, well, deal with it.

Link for Rainbowdash: http://www.drawinghowtodraw.com/stepbystepdrawinglessons/2011/08/how-to-draw-rainbow-dash-from-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-with-easy-steps-lesson/


Bear with me here!

Yes, this is My Little Pony.
Yes, I am learning to draw them.
My littlest sister loves the show, and I watch them with her when I babysit. I really like how everything's drawn, and decided to learn.
I learned Manga--we made it through all right! I do chibis, and they're fine too! I'm going to learn this style, and everything's going to be fine! I'll move on after about 6 months or whatever.
Guys, I know you'll be skeptical of this, and think I'm completely looney, but it's OKAY. I'm no more insane than I was yesterday!

So, for anyone who hasn't shaken their head and walked away from the computer:
This is Fluttershy. I know.
I did her with a step-by step thingy (I'll include the link). Gosh, you can learn anything over the internet. There are so many how to draw thingymabobs. I'm going to learn so much!!!!!!!

Here's the link.
