Monday, September 24, 2012

The Blush of Evil

I wasn't going to post this, actually, but realized that if I did, I'd have booted all of Lost's pictures off the front page (at least, on MY computer), and that was too great an opportunity to miss.
I know, I know, I'm evil.

So, this picture wasn't manga-graphically correct, but I wanted to try out a way of doing blush that I'd not tried before, and who cares if the girl's proportions aren't right or only her skin is colored in?
So, recap: Blush with little white reflections on it gives a very bubbly appearance, Lost is as of the moment not on page one, (hehe... Sorry, Lost.), and I'm still evil.

P.S. Ever heard of Wives and Daughters? If you read it, it's a bit slow, but if you get it on audio, it's great. Or watch the BBC miniseries--AAAH! SO AMAZING. Anyway, I bring it up because I've been listening to it as I draw.

Krystal Ray

Heya peeps!

Ugh. Tuesday tomorrow. I hate Tuesdays. Well... I LIKE them, I guess, as a DAY. But it's SUCH A BUSY day. I have so much to do on Tuesdays! Not that I don't like Latin class--I LOVE my latin class. Same with my history class. But there's just no free time on Tuesdays.
And Geology. There's always a geology paper on Tuesday. *Sigh*

But this is a drawing blog, not a rant-about-Tuesday blog, so therefore I'm going to talk about my picture.
This girl here is Krystal Ray.
Ooh--(and this just dawned upon me right now, because I'm so incredibly brilliant) (Harhar), She could be BETSY RAY'S DESCENDANT!
I know, I know.
...But you might not. If you haven't read the Betsy-Tacy books, check them out of your local library RIGHT NOW. I mean, sure, the start with a five year old Betsy, but the ones with her going through highschool were fantasmic. I actually didn't read the last two, though... My pal said they were depressingly anticlimactic. I might read them anyway, though, just because.
(This, strangely enough, brought my train of thought to the Halloween station.)
What are you all being? I think I'm being a princess (I know, points for originality.) But I think this'll be my last trick or treating year, and I want so badly to wear that huge princess dress I got at Goodwill... It's too great of an opportunity to turn down.
If you read all taht, you have hereby earned the award, "Found's Stamp of Approval."
Aka, thank you.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh yeah.

Hey y'all!
SO I was in my room drawing with a few of my pals and I drew _________ here. I'm coming up with a name for him, but I haven't succeeded yet. Is Daniel or Davis a better name? Because he looks like it should start with a "D," but I'm having problems. I'm sorry the resolution of the scanner isn't brilliant; it didn't try too hard for this guy here. Oh, and that thing near his neck is my blurry signature.

My mom says his name should be Davis.

Davis it is.


Loki, Awesomest Villain Ever

Loki! No! TURN AWAY FROM THE DARK SIDE! You're too awesome to be evil! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Well, if y'all have seen the Avengers or Thor, then you know who this is. I always liked Loki, though he didn't take my advice and tried to take over the earth. "Loki," I said, "That's a stupid idea and it'll never work. Countless people have tried it before, and the truth is, it's just not possible."
But was my sound advice taken? NO! He was taken back in shame to Asgard, where I have no idea what happened to him. Poor guy. But he's probably going to escape in time for Thor 2, I imagine. Or maybe there'll be a new villain.

I hope everyone likes him! (*Sob*--LOKI!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!?)

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Percy Jackson: When tasks, insane in magnitude, and much more suited to adults, are for some reason entrusted to 12-16 year olds.
But who cares?
It's great anyway.

Yeah, I was bored. But it IS fun to draw big posters of books and stuff. I'm trying to decide what to do next. Fablehaven, Hunger G--OOH! I could do one of Phineas and Ferb (get this)--IN CHIBI STYLE!
Did I just say that?
Yes. Yes I did.
 That might be fun. Or I could do a tribute to Jane Austen (I'm going through another Jane Austen phase. I've listened to three of her books on tape in the last few weeks. I'm in the middle of Persuasion.)

Anyway, I'm going to stop wasting time and sign off.

Help me!

Okay, I decided to post this.
I need a caption for this. Like, some kind of funny/explanatory saying to put there, in that blank wall spot. See, when I finished the drawing, I was all set to put a Jane Austen quote there. And then I realized, HEY! I, stupidly enough, didn't draw her in a regency dress. So now it would be out of place to put a Jane Austen quote there, unless it was a very obscure on that no one knew was her and could fit the context. So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! If you guys can come up with anything, post as many replies as you need to. I really wanna finish this! I mean, even if you make something up to put there! That would be awesome.


Li'l comic-y strip.

So I went to the most amazing dance last night! It was so fun. Swing dancing, the Virginia reel, waltz... *Swoons*
It was so great. Except it was super hot in the building, and not much better outside, and everyone was dancing around with a whole lot of energy. Anyhoo. It was great. I love dancing.

But back to the topic of drawing, I finished this one yesterday. I drew a different one, which I'm trying to find a caption for, and am not having much luck. Maybe I'll post it....
I'm working on some Percy Jackson stuff. I mean, I had this cool idea for a picture, and wanna see if it's possible... It'll take a while, though.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rosalyn Meyers

Lost here.

I'll get back to my comicking soon, but it the meantime I'm finishing up pics I started like, MONTHS ago. 

Here's a pic of one my my favorite characters from this show I'm watching called Spooks. She's this really sarcastic kind of nasty woman but she's great, especially when she wears outfits like this one. 
Her name's Rosalyn Meyers, but everybody calls her Ros. 
Don't worry, she isn't armed, though she looks it. 

I used MY STYLE STUDIO for this one, do you remember that thing?

~Lost out

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Lost here.

This is Dragon, it may not be exactly what she looks like but I had to improvise on certain things. 
If you run into her maybe you could let me know, she spends a lot of her time keeping the streets of NYC clean. You might see her around, but be warned, she NOT to be messed with.

Have a good one.
~Lost out

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I remember horse-back riding... =(

Okay, so, well... I tried. Let's leave it at that.
This pic was the typical two teens who happen to work at the same stables. I really tried to make the shading look right, but in my defense, some things look better in my head.
I modeled the stalls in part after the only ones I've ever really seen at great depth. I miss you, Pony Club! You guys are amazing, and I hope I can see you soon!
I haven't decided names or anything yet, but I had a lot of fun while drawing this making up conversations between the two chibis. (I have told you I talk to my drawings, right? Well, they talk back.)
I'll post again soon!

Monday, September 10, 2012


We did it! My role as Queen Gertrude is officially ended.
Yes, that's me, and no, that is NOT what I usually look like AT ALL. I had a mountain of make-up and a pack of bobby-pins in!
Okay, so, yeah, this IS a drawing blog, and these aren't drawings, but I did want y'all to see them, (Mom said as long as I didn't share my location, phone number, etc. I could show these pictures!) and I wanted to show you how MY picture of my dress is very similar to the actual thing.
Congratulations to any of the other actors in Hamlet who read this blog--you guys were awesome!
(Guess what? I made some people CRY! ME! As Queen Gertrude! I'm so proud of myself! XP)

On a more related note, school is really swamping me, but I'm still managing to get in a little bit of drawing. I'm working on this cute little one of this Chibi guy and gal in a stable. Very sweet. Might not be done for a while, though.

I just wanna say, thank you all SOOOO much for reading this blog. I really love sharing my stuff with people, and I know Lost does too. (You DO, don't you, Lost? XD)

~Found (Formerly Queen Gertrude)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This is a public shout out to Found on her big night,

Have fun!!! Wish I could be there to see you! You're a FANTASTIC actress, and I hope everything goes perfectly in your production of Hamlet tonight. 

Break a leg!
~Lost out

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Paris... No, not the place. The girl.

Heya, everyone!
So, the BIG NIGHT approaches, I get nervous,  I spend a lot of time practicing my lines, I have a 4 hour practice later tonight, and I use my morning listening to a lecture on Aztecs and Incas and attempting to catch up on my Latin homework.
Yup. Gotta love those Saturdays, yes sirree.
Hamlet performance tomorrow! (I'm freaking out again.)
So, this Chibi here is named Paris, and she attends Miss Madeline's School for Girls, a delightful institution for girls 13 to 17. She lives in the Spring Dorm, (The four dorms are named for the seasons) which is kind of light color/white themed. Lots of faded out colors and pastels. I might be drawing people from all four dorms, or not. (Miss Maddie's is my new favorite location.)
Don't bother looking it up. *SIGH* It doesn't appear to exsist...

Friday, September 7, 2012

I've been drawing all day...

Heya everyone!
So, today, I drew. And drew. I haven't eaten hardly anything. But I've drawn a lot.
#1 is this Heidi-inspired picture of my friend Bugs Guts. (Which is NOT her real name. Just saying.) So, BugsGuts, there you are--I can modify it a little if you'd like.
#2 is my new favorite drawing of mine. Didn't it come out just spiffy? It's of a little fairy and some fire-flies. Hope you like it!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

More setting suns...

Whew--finished another one! I'm also halfway through my third drawing today. (I'm trying to catch up on my week's absence.)
So, this was a really fun drawing--I drew the sunset on one sheet, and then I opened a new "page" and drew the girl. Then I copied and pasted the girl from one picture to the other. Then I added more shading to the sun and tinted the whole picture pinkish-red to complete the effect. I like how it came out, actually--Kind of has this magical, haunting image. Agree?
You may have noticed, I don't really do action filled pictures. I kinda want to learn how to make violent movement realistic. For now I content myself with currently unexplained sorrow. Done right, it has much the same outcome as mid-punch or flying kick shots. Agreed?

 I'm coming up with a background story for this girl... Haven't gotten much yet.

PS. What is it about sunsets that captivate people so much? I don't know why, but they awe me every time I see a good one.

Isn't my Friend nice?

Heya, buddies!
Well, we're currently on a one-week vacation with school, and (GO FIGURE) I got sick during it. I haven't been drawing all that much, but I just did this.
Explanation: I'm sure at least some of you know that I'm going to be Queen Gertrude in Hamlet. Anyone? Well, it's true. And, as much as I love dressing up, it dawned on me: I look like an idiot in my costume. It's a gorgeous dress, beautiful, but I look so lame in it. SIGH. Oh, yeah. That's it, right there, in the picture. That's me, wearing it.
As you know, I got glasses, and the reason they aren't in this picture is simply because I have not yet learned to draw them well. It's the sad truth.
Anyway, the sympathetic, caring girl next to me is my Imaginary Friend, Cat,  who I've already told you about. I'm not going to waste time by explaining how I DO know she's a figment of my imagination.
So ha.
Wish me luck in my role! I'm not very good at playing mentally-disturbed-mothers-of-lunatics, so we'll see how I do.
Ta-ta for now!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In with the old, out with the new...

...Which means more fall colors, a few halloween costumes, and different fashion styles. In my little Chibi world, it means poofy, ridiculous dresses with lovely oranges and greens. Hope you enjoy!
(Btw, her name is Diane. Just in case anybody cared.)

Also, just a note: I added a "Follow by email" thingermabob, which you can find at the bottom of the gadgets arrangement. Check it out!
