Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thinking of character ideas!

Dear occasionally faithful readers and several very dedicated awesome people who comment on everything, (You know who you are. Yeah, that's right. You. You rock.)

I'm doing this extra course for school this year called "Write an Andventure Novel in a Year". And I'm SUPER excited for it. (This makes the first time I've ever been excited for school. XD ) Anyway, it's basically exactly what it sounds like. It shows you how to work character developement, chapter and scene stuff, story resolvement, all the good stuff.
So, the pretty much very first thing in the course that you decide is your main character's looks and stuff. I'm trying to think of something, and basically all I've got so far is that I think I'd like her to have short hair. Yup.
Well, plus that she'll be a girl and her age will be 14. :D
Okay, so my picture is of some girl walking through a forest about mid-Autumn in New York or somewhere that deciduous (sp?) trees reign supreme. I had a lot of fun with the background!

Okay, shout-out: I'm doing a request for Mary-Catherine, who's been commenting on all our posts. Because she's awesome that way. Anyway, in thanks to her faithful reading, I'm going to draw a pic for her.
MC, I'm really bad at animals--so please don't ask for like, a redwall poster or something, cuz I'd FAIL. Ask for your picture in the comments section, and specify wether you want color or shades of grey, cuz  otherwise I'll probably just do pencil. I'll try to do your request within a reasonable amount of time. Thanks!



  1. That girl is SO cute!! I like her outfit, and the sparkles in here eyes. ^_^

    The story sounds like a lot of fun. :D

  2. The background is AMAZING!
    Now I want a sweater like that!!!!

  3. (Lovin' those sparkles.)

    Oh Found, how sweet of you! I'm so touched! I would love a portrait of some sort of medieval princess or could be made up, from a book, or whatever. You choose the hair color and style of dress, but I'm thinking something like Maid Marian to give you an idea. Color sounds good! Thank you sooooo much!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. You're welcome!
      Knowing me, it may take awhile, but I'll get working on it! ;D

      I was going to say that I would post nothing before it, but I have several pics I drew before, so it may be a few posts.... :P
