Saturday, June 22, 2013


The curtain steadily descended upon final performance of Cinderella and I wanted to take a 2 hour bath. 
Die in my sleep. 
Lock myself in my room with my music for a month. 
All of the above, not necessarily in that order. 
I had never been so tired in all my existence. 4 days later I was on a plane to the east coast, and got a taste of what it must be like to be a professional dancer. Plane-stage-plane-stage-plane-stage-plane-death. 
I wasn't mentally prepared for vacation, I was still watching the curtain drop. 
Next thing I knew I was sitting on a plane drawing a freaky eyeball. 
I had a raging headache and I had run out of candy. I was sitting in between my older brother and a sleeping stranger. The stranger wakes up about 20 minutes later, while I'm perfecting my eyeball. 
She asks me to do a sketch of her son, Wylle. Wylle was leaving for his first year of college in the fall, she explains to me. He'd love a cool drawing of himself in his cowboy getup to put in his dorm. She hands me her iphone and shows me the picture she wants done, (it was a pretty cool picture) and I roughly sketch it out and hand it to her. Turns out she liked it so much it was worth 20 bucks. She then asks me for my address, phone number, e-mail, name, and blog address so she can contact me if she wants another. 
...Or stock me creepily, one of those. 
And that's how, thanks to this freaky eyeball, I got rich. 

And that was the start of my unexpected vacation. 
-Lost out


  1. Whoa. Never underestimate sketching on plane trips either.

  2. woops that was me up there! hehe. that's what I get for hacking into my brother's account.

    congratulations on your sudden wealth.

  3. lol I miss you Evil!!!! Don't die before you kill me for that one ride at the fair... LAST YEAR. O_o
    Love the eye!! It's really awesome and detailed and... eyeballish... what are you going to spend your wealth on? Candy? Movies? Books? Popcorn? All of the above?
