Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Comic strip page 1

Lost here. 

Until I come up with a cool title this, it's going to be 'Comic Strip.'
(I'm open for suggestions, as long as they don't start with anything like 'THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF, because although this'll be corny, it doesn't need to be THAT corny)
Anyway, this was kind of a test, to see what it was like, if it was worth it, etc. 
I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, and it WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!
Really, I was in my room for like HOURS listening to music and working on this, and although it definitely isn't flawless, I won't be crumpling it up like the many that came before it. 
My plot line so far is kind of unoriginal, to say the least, but I'm working on it. 
Have a fantastic day! (even though it's a Wednesday =P)
~Lost out


  1. I'm also pretty proud of my old man profile.

  2. LOOOOVE IT. Can't wait to see more! The layout with the passport is a nice touch. I'll let you know if any awesome titles come to mind. This was definitely a really good idea.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry it's kind of hard to read, the script is:

    "Your next mission is based in Iraq."
    "...Of course."

    "This is, course, assuming this works out."
    Just be patient."

    "Better book your tickets for Iraq then."

    "And I'm thinking maybe a hair appointment as well."

    Then the passport thing doesn't really matter, it's supposed to be a fake.

  5. I love it, Lost! It's soooo Bourne-ish and spy-fi! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  6. Awesome!! This looks great. Can't wait to see what happens in Iraq.
