Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Princess request

About the time I was signing my name I realized I forgot to put her crown on. Well, it was GOING to be a gold crown with rose amethyst stones in it. But I didn't put it in. So people, it's on a table out of sight of the frame. But she IS a princess. So, there you go, Mary-Catherine--I hope it's what you wanted!

Amazon says my tablet is coming TODAY! ACK! How exciting! I'm going to probably be drawing very badly while I get used to the sensation of drawing on it. So, expect sub-par work from m corner.

I can't believe Lost is trying a graphic novel! I always wanted to do one of those, but never really tried. Well, I TRIED, but.... herm... Well, I'll leave it at that.

G'bye y'all,


  1. That's really good! Wow!! I bet you're really psyched. :D

  2. SHE IS GORGEOUS. Everything about her is just so lovely and innocent and delicate. Thank you so much again! I will treasure this masterpiece forever.
