Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friends hanging out!

Hi y'all!

This is a pic I did yesterday and this morning. And yes, the blonde on the ground IS Rosie, one of my triplet girls. How ever did you guess?
So: The redhead in the bottom let corner's name is Julia, the girl next to her is Sammie, the girl reading is Angel, The lower blonde is Rosie, the blackie who is sleeping is Colleen, the other redhead is Stacey, and the blonde in the tree is Cameron. They are all ages 13-15, none of them siblings. Well, except for Rosie, Daisy, and Lilly, but I only put one of the three in the pic. Enjoy!

To the Eighth Dwarf: I have started your picture and it should be done either today or tomorrow. Or the next day. I'm not promising anything. :P (PS. I'm sorry if no one looks right--I don't have a picture to work off of!
