Sunday, August 19, 2012

Don't read this if you are on a tight schedule...

What is this?

(Don't feel obliged to read all of this.)
This is Ages Of A Manga Girl In The Style Of Christopher Hart.
Basically, in my how-to-draw book by him, there's this picture of a girl in the different ages of her life. I basically did the exact same thing, same poses, etc, but changed hair, eyes, and put some cute styles on them. Well, cute-ish.
Starting with Tiny over there, that's the point when she's around the ages of 5-7. That's when her parents dress her, so she's all co-ordinated and everything. Then she's 8--11. For ME, that was the age when I dressed myself in whatever I felt like, regardless of whether it matched or not. I wasn't very... stylish... when I was that age.... :) Then comes 12-17, when Ms. Teenaged Rebel over there is all, "Blasting my music, rocking my Converse sneakers--who cares about life? YOLO!!!!!!!" Then is 18-Adult, meaning college, job interviews, business, and family.

That was my little speed-thru Manga Cycle. Hope you enjoyed!
I'm getting lots better with Foaly, and am now using my normal paint program. (If you have any paint program suggestions, leave a comment.) I'm drawing a picture of my favorite singer, Taylor Swift! And yes, I have drawn her before, but... HAVE YOU SEEN HER HAIR? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUN IT IS TO DRAW? *pant pant* Sorry. The reason for the picture is that her newest album is coming out in October and I just got wind of it. Also, she released this hilarious single, which I THINK she was joking about... She didn't SOUND very serious about it. Kind of a "Haha--I hate you" song.

My newest shoutout is to the Eighth Dwarf, who's soccer game I missed on Saturday. I apologiize twenty times over and will try to make the next one! Since I'm trying to be decent, (Hehe... TRYING...) I'm giving her a drawing request!
E.D. (Phone home) (People got that reference, right?), leave a comment with what you want me to draw in it. Specify color or otherwise, la-de-da. If it's someone I know of or about, just say, "I want a pic of Libby", or whatever. If you DON'T want it on the computer... Tell me.
That's all for now!
If you read through all of that blathering, I now know I have insanely amazing friends. Not that I didn't know before. =] Thanks for having enough patience!


  1. Haha I always love reading your stuff, blathering or otherwise. :) Funny, I just made a similar stages of life cycle, with a girl from a 5 year old fairy to a twenty-two year old bride. Can't wait to see your Taylor Swift portrait! <3's.

    1. Cool! DO you have a blog or something where you've posted it? (I'd love to see it!)

    2. no, but I could maybe take a picture of it and send it to you (we don't have a scanner unfortunately).

  2. And really well done, by the way.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh, Found, you're so sweet! I would have forgiven you anyway, but that doesn't mean that I won't accept the drawing!!! How did you guess that I wanted Libby done? Hmmm. Okay, now I'm going to sound like a spoiled brat (figures!), but could you have it be her birthday with her sitting on the roof watching fireworks? And maybe wearing a red shirt? And maybe sitting next to Owen? And maybe....

    1. Sounds good! I'll have to look up what Libby looks like--I've forgotten. Is it okay if I do it on Foaly? And do you want regular Manga, or Chibi?

    2. She has curly brown hair and blue eyes......other than that she's tallish, athletic looking, hyper.....the list goes on......

      I'd love regular manga. And Foaly will definitely work!

  5. Love this! I think I'm in the third stage right now..
