Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Second day of school, and I've already written two papers, one of them about geysers, ot springs, and layers of the Earth. So CAPTIVATING. Oh wait...

I whipped this out yesterday night, but was too lazy to post it until today. Mom says they look like the same girl with different hair, but isn't that kind of the point? Identical triplets? That was my idea, at least.
I'm naming them (from top to bottom) Daisy, Rosie, and Lilly. They are 14 years old, and live in this non-existant town I'm creating. I like doing that.
Who's your favorite? I think I like Rosie the most. :P
BTW they are no relation to my blonde girl in the picnic picture previously. They just look similar.


  1. I love them! I think my favorite would be Rosie, then Daisy, then Lilly, but they're ALL adorable.

  2. My favorite's Rosie too! :)

    Oh I did that same science last year! You're going to get SICK of the excessive essays, like nauseatingly. Not to be demoralizing or anything. :P

  3. Ha ha!

    I think I like Lilly best, though they all look adorable!
