Saturday, August 4, 2012

Agent Hawkeye

The best Avenger.
Obviously he isn't finished yet, but it's a good start I think.
This may seem a bit off topic, but I was thinking of starting to draw/write by own comic strip graphic novel type thing, just for fun. 
Anyway, as to the main subject at hand, you may be wondering 'How did she do the natural swing of his arms so perfectly? She made the proportions on his face so natural looking! Although she's only seen the movie once she has recreated the detail on his costume down to the very fiber!'
Or you may have the initial shock I was aiming for, and go '@#*$%!!! It's Jeremy Renner impersonating Hawkeye!!! Just standing right in front of me!!!!!'
I'm sorry for this. 

  Comment if you think Hawkeye's the best!
(and hats off to Captain America fans, let's just agree to disagree)

~Lost out


  1. Yes I know his feet need to be bigger.

  2. Lost, you should SOOOOO make a graphic novel! Just like, start small and make strips at a time, but I would eagerly await each addition! You have my vote of confidence!

  3. mmm sorry more of a captain america fan than hawkeye...I mean, anyone can shoot an arrow! I know, I know, everyone can get drugged up and artificially strong too...but still only captain america is...not to take away any of the glory of your acurate depiction of hawkeye's rugged good looks or anything....:)

  4. Hmph. I feel betrayed. It's official, tiger bomb is my only friend now. *coddles it creepily*

    Thanks Found! I'll start looking into it then, see if there's anything I should know, and start coming up with characters for a plot.

  5. And yes MC but he also has one yellow eye and one blue eye so he can see like miles away making him a really good scoutish person. Hense the name Hawkeye. But I forgive you. lol

  6. Okay, okay, his coolness in my opinion just increased 15%.

    1. YES. I'll make a convert out of you eventually. ;-) lol, jk, I think Captain America and Iron Man are definetly awesome.

    2. Hawkeye is able to fire six arrows faster than the average human can fire six bullets. Hawkeye is a master archer with extraordinarily fast reflexes, exceptional dexterity, and near-perfect aim. He is also an excellent all-around marksman well versed in conventional firearms, and has an uncanny knack for using miscellaneous hand-held objects as projectile weapons, as he has been shown killing armed security guards by flinging his own fingernails. Hawkeye is a veteran espionage operative, a formidable physical combatant, and an experienced fighter pilot.

      (Hehe I got that off of wikipedia.)

    3. Gosh, how obsessed ARE you?

  7. HAHA! I want to see the Avengers so bad!!

    1. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT? lol I really want to see it again so maybe we should enjoy it together over skype or something some night.
