Monday, August 20, 2012

Look what Foaly helped me draw!

Hi y'all!
For those of you who have not been on recently, I named my new drawing tablet Foaly. Anyway.

Lately I've been drawing a LOT on my tablet, as you can see above. The first one is...
Taylor Swift. All the quotes are from some of her songs... Some of which I think I got wrong... :P She is soooo much fun to draw! EEEEK.
The next one is what I call, "Teens on a picnic." :D In other words, these teenaged girls are exactly that, judging from what they're saying. It was my attempt at cartoony lighting, which came out very cartoony, if you ask me!


  1. Looks like you've been having a lot of fun with foaly! I love those :D

    1. IT'S SO FUN!!! At first I was a little upset because when I started using Foaly I was using a different paint program, so I was really bad with it. When I started with my normal program, it cleared up a lot. :D
