Monday, December 31, 2012


Blah blllllaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

Here's a cumpooterized version of a mermaid I did a whiles back and its originalles.

UGH BOREDOMM AAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! It's eating away at my soul!!!
I love caps lock for that dramatic effect. 
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pencil People, #3

Well, she was fun to draw, even if her legs are slightly too long and thin to be realistic.

So, what've I been doing lately? Um... Drawing. And hanging out with my friend Betsy. A lot.
...And painting, and dreaming up ways to piece Sharpie's life back together. Honestly, I dug myself into a pit here. There's this person she absolutely hates, and I need to get her to like him again, but she's kind of passionate, and it's hard to change her mind about people. So I'm wondering if maybe I should have him help her out in some huge way, or catch her at a really emotional moment and apologize for being a total JERK to her. It's hard, organizing peoples' lives.

Quick Stuff

John Pendragon and Kenzie Gordon

Arch Turnsfeld and Kathleen Yarrow

Douglas Fort and Stephanie Furn

The first one, undecided.

The second one, well that's what Coldplay does to me. And that's a scar above his eye, and a tear below. 

The third one, they're siblings, and aren't they just adorable??? I've decided that they're step siblings and that he's the best step brother anyone could ever ask for. And that's a scar below his eye. 

I can't decide which guy I like best, I like them all in different ways. 
As for the girls, I think I definitely like Steph best. 

I did these this afternoon, it was really nice to just sit a draw for hours on end eating candy and listening to music.
But now I feel super out of shape. =P
Nighty night!
~Lost out

OH and it's NOT Stephanie FUM it's FURN ugh...
Same with TURNSFELD. :-/ 

Latest sketch!

So here's the second picture I drew using the figures book that Mom got me! I don't know who this gal is, but she seems to be older than most of my characters. Maybe she's Sharpie once she's gone to college. Who knows.

After I finish my barrage of girl pictures, maybe I'll try a few guys. I think they're tougher to draw, but that's just me! Anyway, lemme know what you think!

I think I'll name her Ariadne...

Okay, so itscanned awfully. If you want to see it look better, you're just going to have to come over and see it with your own eyes.
I did this one last night as I was thinking how I didn't use watercolor pencils enough. It looks fine in real life, but it just looks meh on here! I did another one today, but it scanned even worse than this, so you won't be seeing it over the net!

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sharpie is sad again...

So, one of the drawing books I got for Christmas was called something along the lines of "Figure it Out," by Christopher Hart. Now, normally, his instructional books are great in the way of tips and references, but his step by steps are difficult. But in THIS book, I found them incredibly easy to follow and cool! 
Anyway, this is Sharpie. Again. I think this picture happens around the time she has a fight with her friend, Libby. Or maybe it's after she has a fight with Owen... Not sure yet.
(PS. You can find a picture of both Owen AND Libby in that one post with the picture of kids on the roof. You know, the one with fireworks and stuff.) 

And I just want to add as a parting note...
Lost got a total of 8 posts out of that drawing of her six boys. 8 posts. I demand justification. IT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE!


No, I won't go through them all individually again, but I just digitally enhanced all of their faces. 

It was the most tedious thing I've done since last summer, and I think I like it as a normal drawing better anyway, but I just can't squeeze enough posts out of this one. So here they are.

Oh, and I'm naming my tablet *ahem* *hesitates slightly* *ahem* ....
ARThur, to make everyone hate me so they'll all fund my move to England.
And that's pronounced ART-thur. Hehehe.

I'm going to caption all of my posts done from the computer as ARThur now, so you may all want to mentally prep yourselves. I am THAT determined to live in England.

~Lost out

Bobbing Bee

I lost sleep last night, trying to decide wether or not I should bob my character Sharpie's hair. Now, thanks to my pal, I'm thinking of bobbing Bee's hair instead. She has that kind of personality a lot more, I think. Sharpie's a little too crazy for anything like a bob--she's more of a flyaway 'do.

So I just went shopping to exchange my two right footed Uggs for a normal pair, and we stopped by Target on the way back. Now I have more artsy supplies! I just love artsy supplies. They're so artsy.
(Go figure.)


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas from FOUND.

This happens to me every single holiday. I'm like, "Oh! I should go wish all our followers a happy (insert holiday here.)" Then I sign on....
And Lost already did it. WHY?
So this time I am posting after her post to say the same thing that she just said. Merry Christmas, all!
Since I'm posting anyway, I'm going to just sum up my Christmas so far. In the small hours of the morn, I was singing my head off at midnight Mass in the choir. Gosh, it was HOT UP THERE. Then we came home and I got four hours of sleep before my lovely little brother crept into my room.
"Josie! It's Christmas! Wake up!" he says.
"Gaaaa-aah?" I reply.
We slithered downstairs, and after the reletives woke up, I had the pleasure of watching my littlest sister celebrate her first comprehensive Christmas by opening her stocking...
"MAKE UP!!!!!" she shouts.
It was a really lovely morning. Except for the fact that the manufacturers of my new Ugg boots thought that I had two right feet and shipped accordingly. What am I supposed to do with two right footed Uggs? I guess the 26th of December will involve heading out and returning them... (Which is cool with me, since I love shopping!

Before I bore you all to death, I'm going to sign off. So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Lost here.
So, I got a drawing tablet for Christmas. This was the first thing I drew with it. So excited!
Anyway, I also got a ton of new pencils and pens and a HOW TO crime noir comic book, so I'm basically set for life.
Have a fantastic Christmas!
~Lost out

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Yours Truly, the pencil mourner.

Okay, so I know it looks disgustng because of all the graphite dust. I did this on line paper at choir practice, so it's not like wonderful or anything. But it was fun to do and I wanted to share it.
And yes. I lost my wonderful pencil. It was so wonderful. REST IN PIECE, PENCIL. YOU WERE GREATLY ESTEEMED.

Anyway, I'm working on this picture for this gal, and it's kind of big, so it'll be a while before I can post it... until then, SO LONG!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Revella Shroud

I came up with that name on the spot to deceive you all into thinking I knew some about her but I was listening to music when I drew her so I couldn't come up with any of my clever backstories.
I'm sorry for the grievous disappointment. I'll try to make it up to you all.
I believe Found has family visiting, with the holidays and all, so I'd imagine she's a bit busy.
Of course I'll check again tomorrow and she'll have booted me off the page again.
Oh no, don't shed tears for me, I'm used to it. 
~Lost out

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Path

I had a dream last night that I was walking down a path like this one with an old friend... That I'd never met before. We were talking about somebody else, I can't remember who, then we got to this lamp post, he disappeared, and I woke up. *puts on spooky face* I believe it was a vision, because, after all, I am an artist... Perhaps this is a bad omen of something yet to come... *takes off spooky face* I used the same colored pencil to do the whole thing, and it's kinda' dull now, so I'll be off to sharpen it. It looks better in the flesh than it does in the scan, but alas, there is nothing I nor anyone can do. 
But I must be off. Pencil's waiting and whatnot.
~Lost out

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Wolves are in this season, did you know that?
So apparently this is Sol, so kind of huge wolf with golden eyes that this girl Dawnknight (It's a username) asked me to do.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Ero Lost

I'm sick like a dog right now, so this may be the last post I put on here for a little while. 

  Ero likes to listen. Most people love talking, about their lives, their hardships. She just prefers to listen. 
Ero has 'friends', but they're obnoxious and frustrating so she got a dog to spend time with instead. Ero's tough as nails, you can never tell when she's insulted. She likes to mind her own business, fight her own battles. She has a quirky sense of style and a cute snide sense of humor that occasionally peeks from behind the clouds, but overall she's just quiet and hard working. 

~Lost out

(I'm not sure what to put in her hand. At first I thought "A knife!" And then I thought "A flashlight!" And then "But why???")

So hungry....

Just letting y'all know that I haven't completely abandoned you yet--Here's this request I did for this girl named Tavita. It's her sister on the left and her on the right.
Okay, so, almost through all of my requests--and then NO MORE until I say so. So there. I just need to be more in control of what I'm drawing--I mean, I have all these great ideas, and I haven't done them yet. :( So prepare for a stream of pictures, probably starting after Christmas.

Have to go eat something, talk to y'all later! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Renette Sharpener

She also goes by Ren, and she lives in Paris with her grandparents and their lovely little cat, Spook.
Her tights and arms of course didn't scan well. I'm beyond caring.
~Lost out

Daniel Mason

This is Daniel Mason.
Yeah, I haven't done any computer pics recently, cuz I just have NOT had enough time to sit down and draw a picture. Like, I was cleaning up all of yesterday, and then I had a class, and AUGH so much stuff to do! But I did this picture and let my friend (who was over at the time) name him. So Daniel Mason it is.

Well, tell me what you think!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas with the Family...

I was at choir last night and drew a pic kind of like this in my notebook. Since it was on line paper, I didn't wanna post it, so I redrew it on regular paper and scanned it onto the computer. It's of two peeps spending Christmas with the boy's relatives. (They're engaged.) I thought it'd be fun to leave part of it grey and part of it red, and I kind of like the effect. Though it was much better in person.



*Sigh* So many requests.
These are JeanMarie's charries, (A girl on a forum), But I'm stealing the blonde kid for myself. He's too cool to be an unknown character. I'm stealing him and a going to base someone of my own of this guy here. So hah. Try and stop me!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Faith_Lonewolf's Request

So, I made a huge mistake. After I did that request for Silverstorm, a bunch of people asked if I was doing requests... And I said yes. So now I'm completely swamped. I HAD FIVE REQUESTS IN ONE DAY. What is UP with that? I'm never going to catch up!
Anyway, these are some of a different girl's charries. The red headed kid's name is Kibbie, the girl who's eyes you can't see's name is SJ, and the wolf is Arno.
Man, people like wolves. I'm gonna get really good at these at some point.
Anyhoo, I figure I don't have time to put a background on these people unless they speciphically ask for one, since I want to kind of get through the load. But anyway....

First Sunday of Advent! I suppose this means that I should start Christmas shopping, but I haven't been able to get my parents to take me anywhere and we all know I can't drive.
Legally, anyway. :P

Hope everyone's been doing well--The weather out here is super rainy, so I'm assuming it must be wicked cold/snowing on the east coast.