Thursday, August 30, 2012

Just a... few... words.

Hi, everyone!

 just wanted to let you know that I AM working on some stuff--I had taken a temporary break from drawing, because it had been hurting my head so much--my eyes would ache, and I got horrid headaches. This leads me to the newest factor in my life....

I got glasses again. Well, in truth, I was supposed to have them all the time, but I never wore them when I got them (Back when I was 9) so Mom didn't get me new ones. Then I started getting these awful headaches, and the eye-doctor said that glasses would PROBABLY help, so here I am, and I haven't gotten a headache since 2 (Around when I got them) yesterday. (Which is amazing. Trust me.) Personally, I believe I look awful with glasses, but mom likes, them, and my hard-to-please brother gave them his stamp of approval. (I know, right? And here I thought he would hate them! XP)

Has anyone here read Runt the Brave? I bring this up because the author is going to re-create Bag-End with the proceeds of the sales. It would be kind of like a place to stay, write, think, be inspired, live, laugh, love. The OTHER reason I bring this up is that this same author, Mr. Schwabauer, is the guy who organized the creative writing course I'm doing. Anyway, look the book up on Amazon or in your bookstore, and if you're interested, pick it up! I'm almost done with the first book, and really love the characters and setting. Anyhoo, sorry for the commercialism. =P

So, recap: Almost done with a cute pic with more fluffy ballgowns and huge hats, check back soon! I'm  going to try and draw me and two of my friends (The Marabbajos, for anyone in on the joke) so keep in touch!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to THE FUTURE!!!!!!


Or rather, the new and updated blog color scheme!
I had Lost over tonight and she called it kiwi inspired. Whatever. (Lost, stop laughing.)
What do you think of it?
Sure, it'll probably take a while to get used to it, but it embodies the school year, or some of that rubbish that Lost was sprouting. Just Kidding. Lost and I are GOOD FRIENDS.
Sorry. She's sitting right next to me and I'm trying to make her laugh.
Tell us how you like the new background, and check back soon for more drawings made by yours truly!

~Found (And Lost, I guess. Who says to say "Lost Out" as is her little thing. I'm going to stop talking now. Bye!)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I've started a collection of Chibi Princesses. If you have any Chibi princes around, send them immediately to court these ladies. There are too many for one hostess. Send immediaely. Immediately, I say!

That awkward moment...

That awkward moment at a dance when you really, really don't want the guy to ask you to dance, because etiquette demands you accept, you really don't want to, and you're quietly trying to pretend you don't notice him.
Has this ever happened to me?
Why do you ask?

Haha, Lost's mom was over at the time I was drawing this last night, and she said she felt sorry for the guy. I suppose that's reasonable, but.. I sympathize with the girl, personally.


Lady with Flowers

I know, I know. Too many portraits of Chibis... Far too many. But hey, Chibis are super easy to draw and are very fun, so I reserve the right to draw as many as I'd like. :P


Friday, August 24, 2012

Remember Me?

Remember Me?
Because if you don't, you don't waste enough time checking this blog.


Ze'eva Nuth'ed

This is just a brief pic I made for a friend of mine, the username of said friend being Bugs Guts.
BG, you asked for it! Hehe--This is how I picture Ze'eva. Hope she's up to the mark!

If you guys contact me and ask me to draw something, I may or may not draw it. Feel free to ask, though. Special requests--the ones I offer--will always be done, but regular requests may take longer/may not be completed.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Eighth Dwarf's Request

This is a request made by The Eighth Dwarf. Explanation?

From left to right, Alexandria (Alex), Libby, Owen, and Sharpie. It's Libby's birthday, (Her name is Liberty--she was born on the 4th.) This is after her birthday get-together, when she and some of her friends (This isn't all of them, but the rest wouldn't fit.) are watching fireworks from the roof. Sorry it looks a little weird, proportion and all that!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friends hanging out!

Hi y'all!

This is a pic I did yesterday and this morning. And yes, the blonde on the ground IS Rosie, one of my triplet girls. How ever did you guess?
So: The redhead in the bottom let corner's name is Julia, the girl next to her is Sammie, the girl reading is Angel, The lower blonde is Rosie, the blackie who is sleeping is Colleen, the other redhead is Stacey, and the blonde in the tree is Cameron. They are all ages 13-15, none of them siblings. Well, except for Rosie, Daisy, and Lilly, but I only put one of the three in the pic. Enjoy!

To the Eighth Dwarf: I have started your picture and it should be done either today or tomorrow. Or the next day. I'm not promising anything. :P (PS. I'm sorry if no one looks right--I don't have a picture to work off of!


The plot thickens...

I only finished this a couple of minutes ago, so don't judge if it isn't perfect.
No really, DON'T. :)
Happy school.
~Lost out

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Second day of school, and I've already written two papers, one of them about geysers, ot springs, and layers of the Earth. So CAPTIVATING. Oh wait...

I whipped this out yesterday night, but was too lazy to post it until today. Mom says they look like the same girl with different hair, but isn't that kind of the point? Identical triplets? That was my idea, at least.
I'm naming them (from top to bottom) Daisy, Rosie, and Lilly. They are 14 years old, and live in this non-existant town I'm creating. I like doing that.
Who's your favorite? I think I like Rosie the most. :P
BTW they are no relation to my blonde girl in the picnic picture previously. They just look similar.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Look what Foaly helped me draw!

Hi y'all!
For those of you who have not been on recently, I named my new drawing tablet Foaly. Anyway.

Lately I've been drawing a LOT on my tablet, as you can see above. The first one is...
Taylor Swift. All the quotes are from some of her songs... Some of which I think I got wrong... :P She is soooo much fun to draw! EEEEK.
The next one is what I call, "Teens on a picnic." :D In other words, these teenaged girls are exactly that, judging from what they're saying. It was my attempt at cartoony lighting, which came out very cartoony, if you ask me!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Don't read this if you are on a tight schedule...

What is this?

(Don't feel obliged to read all of this.)
This is Ages Of A Manga Girl In The Style Of Christopher Hart.
Basically, in my how-to-draw book by him, there's this picture of a girl in the different ages of her life. I basically did the exact same thing, same poses, etc, but changed hair, eyes, and put some cute styles on them. Well, cute-ish.
Starting with Tiny over there, that's the point when she's around the ages of 5-7. That's when her parents dress her, so she's all co-ordinated and everything. Then she's 8--11. For ME, that was the age when I dressed myself in whatever I felt like, regardless of whether it matched or not. I wasn't very... stylish... when I was that age.... :) Then comes 12-17, when Ms. Teenaged Rebel over there is all, "Blasting my music, rocking my Converse sneakers--who cares about life? YOLO!!!!!!!" Then is 18-Adult, meaning college, job interviews, business, and family.

That was my little speed-thru Manga Cycle. Hope you enjoyed!
I'm getting lots better with Foaly, and am now using my normal paint program. (If you have any paint program suggestions, leave a comment.) I'm drawing a picture of my favorite singer, Taylor Swift! And yes, I have drawn her before, but... HAVE YOU SEEN HER HAIR? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUN IT IS TO DRAW? *pant pant* Sorry. The reason for the picture is that her newest album is coming out in October and I just got wind of it. Also, she released this hilarious single, which I THINK she was joking about... She didn't SOUND very serious about it. Kind of a "Haha--I hate you" song.

My newest shoutout is to the Eighth Dwarf, who's soccer game I missed on Saturday. I apologiize twenty times over and will try to make the next one! Since I'm trying to be decent, (Hehe... TRYING...) I'm giving her a drawing request!
E.D. (Phone home) (People got that reference, right?), leave a comment with what you want me to draw in it. Specify color or otherwise, la-de-da. If it's someone I know of or about, just say, "I want a pic of Libby", or whatever. If you DON'T want it on the computer... Tell me.
That's all for now!
If you read through all of that blathering, I now know I have insanely amazing friends. Not that I didn't know before. =] Thanks for having enough patience!

Friday, August 17, 2012

I named my tablet Foaly! Keep your snarky comments to yourself! Hehe...

Well, it cut off a bit from the sides, but no biggy.
Oh, right! This is some princess chick I drew this afternoon. the reason her arms look so short is this: Proportioning. Her elboys are sticking back, since she's holding her skirt. See how brilliant I am? I know. No, it's okay. No applause needed. No, really, I insist.
Hehe just kidding.

So I spent about 2 hours on the computer this morning playing with my tablet, who I am naming Foaly. I have to say, it's going to take me a while to draw some post-worthy substance--getting used to Foaly is HARD! It's a very weird sensation, drawing on that thing...

Just FYI, I'm currently brimming with dress ideas. Don't ask me about ballgowns for a while or you'll get more info than you bargained for. Far, far more.

~Found (As in, I Found my tablet a name.)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Comic strip page 1

Lost here. 

Until I come up with a cool title this, it's going to be 'Comic Strip.'
(I'm open for suggestions, as long as they don't start with anything like 'THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF, because although this'll be corny, it doesn't need to be THAT corny)
Anyway, this was kind of a test, to see what it was like, if it was worth it, etc. 
I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, and it WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!
Really, I was in my room for like HOURS listening to music and working on this, and although it definitely isn't flawless, I won't be crumpling it up like the many that came before it. 
My plot line so far is kind of unoriginal, to say the least, but I'm working on it. 
Have a fantastic day! (even though it's a Wednesday =P)
~Lost out

Princess request

About the time I was signing my name I realized I forgot to put her crown on. Well, it was GOING to be a gold crown with rose amethyst stones in it. But I didn't put it in. So people, it's on a table out of sight of the frame. But she IS a princess. So, there you go, Mary-Catherine--I hope it's what you wanted!

Amazon says my tablet is coming TODAY! ACK! How exciting! I'm going to probably be drawing very badly while I get used to the sensation of drawing on it. So, expect sub-par work from m corner.

I can't believe Lost is trying a graphic novel! I always wanted to do one of those, but never really tried. Well, I TRIED, but.... herm... Well, I'll leave it at that.

G'bye y'all,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012



It's the Bamboo Splash. I'M SO EXCITED! It's going to be sooo cool! I hope it's as neat as it looks!

Monday, August 13, 2012

HAH! I got his face on there!

In my last post, I complained about not getting this guys face on him. Well, I DID IT! YESSS! Haha! Brilliant!
I also decided that I am going to buy a drawing tablet, but haven't decided which one. I'm thinking maybe the Bamboo Splash. Look it up on Amazon if you want--Wacom Bamboo Splash. It looks pretty neat.

Sorry about all the computer pictures--I spend way too much time on here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Computer drawings... and failures.

Hi, it's MOI!

So, this top pic is my possibly character for my novel. Not sure yet. Don't ask.
Pic #2 is my version of screeching, "I'M BORED!"


Friday, August 10, 2012


Hey guys!
Lost here. I've officially decided to try and start a graphic novel/comic book type thing, and I started a rough draft of a page the other day. From here on out I'll be doing a lot of that type thing, (not ALL of it will be like that I promise) but this is just kind of a warning/announcement. 
AND, if you have any advice, I'd LOVE to hear it, because I've never really tried this type of thing before. 
~Lost out

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thinking of character ideas!

Dear occasionally faithful readers and several very dedicated awesome people who comment on everything, (You know who you are. Yeah, that's right. You. You rock.)

I'm doing this extra course for school this year called "Write an Andventure Novel in a Year". And I'm SUPER excited for it. (This makes the first time I've ever been excited for school. XD ) Anyway, it's basically exactly what it sounds like. It shows you how to work character developement, chapter and scene stuff, story resolvement, all the good stuff.
So, the pretty much very first thing in the course that you decide is your main character's looks and stuff. I'm trying to think of something, and basically all I've got so far is that I think I'd like her to have short hair. Yup.
Well, plus that she'll be a girl and her age will be 14. :D
Okay, so my picture is of some girl walking through a forest about mid-Autumn in New York or somewhere that deciduous (sp?) trees reign supreme. I had a lot of fun with the background!

Okay, shout-out: I'm doing a request for Mary-Catherine, who's been commenting on all our posts. Because she's awesome that way. Anyway, in thanks to her faithful reading, I'm going to draw a pic for her.
MC, I'm really bad at animals--so please don't ask for like, a redwall poster or something, cuz I'd FAIL. Ask for your picture in the comments section, and specify wether you want color or shades of grey, cuz  otherwise I'll probably just do pencil. I'll try to do your request within a reasonable amount of time. Thanks!


Monday, August 6, 2012


I have no idea how many posts I've done on this particular topic, and I'm sure you all understand that I'm a fan of Hawkeye now. 
BUT, for those of you who are slow on the uptake...
~Lost out
~Lost out

My and my pals!

This is a brief sketch I made of me and some of my friends. Yup. That's me, right there. Aren't I so popular? ;D
I think I captured our bookworminess sufficiently... Don't you? There's me with Pride and Predjudice, and then there's Percy Jackson, Shakespeare, Fablehaven, and Peter and the Starcatchers!
BeeTeeDubs, to all my friends, I would have drawn you all, but there's just not enough room on the piece of paper. Maybe one day, when I'm painting a mural, I can!

YAY! I found a new Friend!

Meet Cat, my new soon-to-be-imaginary-friend!
For any of you who haven't gotten the lowdown:
My last imaginary friend was Jackson Rip. My friend really liked him so I asked him if he'd like to keep her company instead. He complied, so I was IF-less. Finally I went to the Agency and met Cat Cherrington. She's so awesome!
Anyway, yup. And no, I'm not out of my mind.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Agent Hawkeye

(drum roll please)

~Lost out

I know this must be getting boring

...but I'm not really working on anything else right now. Just bear with me, he'll be much more exciting once I start coloring him in. 

By the way I had to totally improvise on his shoes, so they might not resemble anything of what they looked like in the movie. 
Please, silence your cellphones and keep your feet off the seats in front of you for courtesy of your fellow audience members. Please relax and enjoy the show.
Thank you. 
~Lost out 

New and improved (well, not so much new)

I made a couple of changes. Can you tell where they are?
~Lost out

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Agent Hawkeye

The best Avenger.
Obviously he isn't finished yet, but it's a good start I think.
This may seem a bit off topic, but I was thinking of starting to draw/write by own comic strip graphic novel type thing, just for fun. 
Anyway, as to the main subject at hand, you may be wondering 'How did she do the natural swing of his arms so perfectly? She made the proportions on his face so natural looking! Although she's only seen the movie once she has recreated the detail on his costume down to the very fiber!'
Or you may have the initial shock I was aiming for, and go '@#*$%!!! It's Jeremy Renner impersonating Hawkeye!!! Just standing right in front of me!!!!!'
I'm sorry for this. 

  Comment if you think Hawkeye's the best!
(and hats off to Captain America fans, let's just agree to disagree)

~Lost out

Artemis Fowl 1#

AAAAAnd heerrrre he is! So yes, his skin didn't turn out so well on the computer, and maybe I colored in his jacket using a program, but he's not so bad! You are welcomed to post your angry outrages/comments in the comments thingy, although be warned, they may be ignored.
I'll try to do another 7, but I get side-tracked super easily so that's not a guarantee.
Have a fabulous weekend.
~Lost out