Thursday, March 15, 2012

There can never be too much of a good thing...

....But there can always be too much pink.
I like drawing puffy pink dresses. I'm not a huge pink person, but there's just something really appealing about ridiculous pink dresses.
My mom was looking at it and she's like, 
"Is there a BIRD on the hat?"
"Yup," I said.
"And look at all the ruffles... And the bows... Oh, I just noticed the gloves! Oh my gosh! There's just so MUCH of it!"

I agree with her there. There is definetly a lot of it.
My insiration for this dress came from a movie called Howl's Moving Castle, this adaption of a book by Diana Wynne Jones. The movie is super colorful, bright, and like, I don't know how to explain it....  It's like... The colors are all really deep and full. It's an anime film, and the art is spectacular.
So I guess this person would be Fannie Hatter, the main character's mum. I mean, she never actually WORE a dress like this, but it looks like something she would have worn if she ever had the opportunity.


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