Monday, March 12, 2012

Sparkly things and hair with wings

Aloha. Bonjour. Hi. Hello.
It's still ME, Found!

So when I say, "Hair with WINGS," that's poetic license. In other words, or, as my brother would say, I went to the DPL (Department of Poetic Licenses) and was licensed to make things not be the way they are, or something like that. It's quite a nice place, actually. You go and stand in a line and then when it's your turn, you state why you want a license (You have to stand before a bunch of people sitting on Writer's Blocks,) and they give you this lovely contract you have to sign, and then you get a little card saying "(your name here), Licensed Poet."

So I went there a few minutes ag and told them I needed a license for posting "Hair with Wings."
They were all like, "Sign....  Here." And I'm like, "Okie dokie," and VOILA!
Poetic License.



  1. For those of you who still don't get what Hair With Wings means, it means her hair is blowing all over the place.


  2. That's soo awesome!!! You draw well even on the computer! :)

  3. Isn't the process so easy? I'm afraid I have to go to the DPL almost every day...
