Monday, March 12, 2012


Hi peoples, it's Found.

For anyone who's ever read Harry Potter, this is Professor Umbridge.
 (I get the shivers just thinking about her. She's just so odious.)
Anyway, she's not much like she was in the movie, but she was fun to draw!
Funny how this picture started. I was reading the "Chamber of Secrets"and I remarked to my brother,
"Gosh I just HATE Professor Lockhart!"
"Why'd ya draw a picture of him then!?" replied he.
"I draw picture of characters I don't like!"
"Yeah, ok, then why haven't you draw, like, Umbridge?"
My response was to get up and draw this. He walked by a few minutes later and ADMITTED IT WAS DISTURBING! HAHA!!!

Final score:
Found -- 1
My brother -- 0 (Zip, nil, nata, nothing.)

~Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. I think you captured her condescending demeanor perfectly.
