Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Caden Trust

OK so I`ll be the first to say her skin didn`t scan very well at all and in real life it looks amazing. That having been said,

HEEEEELLOOOOO! Lost  here! (FINALLY, I know) Hope you all had an awesome St. Patrick`s day weekend cus` mine was rather horrible.
Right, so this is Caden Trust, a loyal, blonde, brown-eyed, brown-clothed, palish, mid-evil friend of mine. I`m still working on her character, but that`s what I have so far. Please don`t mention to Caden that she has a rather spooky expression on, trust me, I tried telling her that before and, well, I haven`t walked the same way ever since.
~Lost out


  1. Welcome back, Lost!

    I love her defined features.

  2. And her shirt! Her shirt is awesome
